Set up a feedback activity
  • 21 Jun 2022
  • 1 minute to read

Set up a feedback activity

Article summary

Adding a feedback activity

To create a feedback activity:

  1. Click Turn editing on.
  2. Select Feedback from the Add an activity... dropdown menu.
  3. Configure the settings to your preferences.
  4. Click Save and display or Save and return to course.

If you add a feedback activity to the front page then it becomes a site-wide activity, meaning it can be used by any course. By default it will be added to the feedback block on all courses (where the Feedback block has been added). See also Map feedback activities.

Adding questions

Once you have created your feedback activity you can add questions.

  1. In the feedback activity go to the Edit questions section. 
  2. Choose a question type from the dropdown menu. 
  3. Configure the question as required. 
  4. Click Save question

You can also load pre-written questions by using a template. You may also want to configure question dependencies.

You can preview questions using the Overview section. Go to this section and then click the Answer the questions... link. 

Adding a question to a feedback activity using the dropdown menu.

Next steps


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