Upload HR import files
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 1 minute to read

Upload HR import files

Article summary

When using HR import, one of the methods of importing content is by uploading a CSV file containing all of the required data (the other option is to connect to an external database). If you have chosen to upload a CSV file then you will need to follow the instructions on this page.

There are two steps you will need to complete before you can upload your CSV file into Totara:

Once you are ready to upload your file, you can log in as a Site Administrator and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Quick-access menu > HR Import > Sources > Upload HR Import files
  2. Upload the files for the sources you wish to update by either:
    • Dragging and dropping the file into the designated area under the source
    • Using the Choose a file... button to browse for and select a file
  3. Click Upload to upload all of the source files at once.

When viewing the Upload HR import files page you will see only see elements that have been enabled on your site. If one of those enabled elements is not configured properly then there will be a warning message with a link to configure it. 

After running HR import, the files will be cleared and need to be reuploaded if you wish to run HR import again (even if the initial run was unsuccessful due to errors). 

 Next steps

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