What's new?
  • 30 Sep 2024
  • 4 minutes to read

What's new?

Article summary

There are a number of improvements and new features for Totara 14 across all of our products, including notifications (for programs and certifications in Totara Learn), improvements to the recommendation engine (Totara Engage) and new performance activity question types (Totara Perform). 

Totara core platform

Here are some of the improvements and new features available across all Totara products.

Scheduled report improvements

If a scheduled report is empty as it contains no data, then it will not be sent. This will prevent a blank attachment from being sent. 


Multitenancy changes

There are three new changes to multitenancy relating to audiences, themes and default images. 

The first change is that Tenant administrators can now create set and dynamic audiences within the context of their tenants. They can also set visible learning for those audiences.

Secondly, a technical change means it is now possible to have tenant-specific settings in custom themes. 

Finally, you can now set default images (such as resource and course images etc.) at the tenant level.


Additional graph settings

As of Totara 14.2 you can use a number of additional settings to configure the appearance of your report graphs, such as area fills, line and point styles, and more.


Diagnostic tool

This new diagnostic tool can be used to create a file containing important, non-sensitive information about your site. This information can be used by the Totara Support team when investigating issues. The diagnostic tool is available from Totara 14.39 onwards.


Totara Learn

You can find more information about the features included in Totara Learn on the What is Totara Learn? page.

Notifications improvements

We have started to roll out the new centralised notifications functionality, starting in Totara 14 with programs and certifications. Going forward this functionality will be available for all other features. Users can now configure existing notifications and create new notifications for the different notification triggers relating to programs and certifications (e.g. a user completing a program, or an upcoming due date) in a new, user-friendly interface. You can set these up at the site level, or make customisations at lower context levels.

This new system allows you to configure the delivery channels for your notifications, including multilingual content, easily add placeholders (e.g. for the program name or recipient's name), and customise branding for your email notifications. 


Changes to report sources

There are two changes to report sources to note for Totara Learn. Firstly, the Assignment report source has a new column with a direct link to the assignment submission to help with review/grading. The second change is a new Current enrolment status column in the Course membership source.


New SCORM setting

There is a new option for the Force new attempt SCORM setting that allows you to always force a new attempt. 


Seminar new features

There are two new features for seminars. The first is the ability to use the Declare interest setting with the Seminar direct enrolment plugin. Secondly, there are new integrations for Zoom and MS Teams. 


Calculated quiz question capability

As of Totara 14.40 there is a new capability which determines a user's ability to add calculated quiz questions. You can use this capability to limit Calculated, Calculated simple and Calculated multiple choice quiz questions to administrative users if required.


Totara Engage

You can find more information about the features included in Totara Engage on the What is Totara Engage? page. 

Recommendations engine improvements

Content text processing has been significantly improved. The recommendations engine also has the ability to consider user profile information (country, language, etc.).


Totara Perform

For more information on the features of Totara Perform see the What is Totara Perform? page. 

New question types

There are three new question content items for performance activities. These are:

  • Review item: You can display, comment on and rate competencies within a performance activity. As of Totara 14.2 you can also include goals for review using this question type.
  • Response redisplay: You can now redisplay questions and responses within a performance activity from either the current performance activity or another performance activity.
  • Response aggregation: Within a performance activity you can now aggregate the responses for numeric scales.


Proficiency level by assignment 

It is now possible to set the competency proficiency level based on how users are assigned to a competency. So for example, direct assignments might have a different proficiency requirement level to the level required to be considered proficient for a self-assignment. 


Two new competency report sources

There are two new reports centred around competencies available:

  • Competencies: Based on the competencies export
  • Competency ratings: Manual ratings for users on their assigned competencies


Additional notifications for achievement paths

If you create an invalid achievement path there are now more warnings and banners to alert you about what went wrong so that you can fix the issue. 


Totara Help

The documentation for Totara 14 is now available on the new Totara Help site. We have created a guide to help you find your way around the new site and find the information you're looking for.


Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

© Copyright 2025 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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