Upload multiple courses
  • 06 Apr 2022
  • 1 minute to read

Upload multiple courses

Article summary

Although it is possible to manually create courses in the system, you may wish to create courses via a file upload, especially if you want to create multiple courses at once. It is possible for Site Administrators to do this, as well as anyone with the tool/uploadcourse:uploadcourses capability which by default is the Manager and Course Creator roles (when assigned at the system level).

Before uploading your courses, you will need to create a CSV file for this purpose.

To upload one or more courses:

  1. Go to Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Upload courses.
  2. Either drag and drop the CSV file, or click the Choose a file button to select the file in the file picker.
  3. Select appropriate import settings carefully, then click the Preview button.
  4. Check there are no errors in the preview.
  5. Scroll down and configure the course process settings and default course values
  6. When you are happy, click the Upload courses button. 
  7. Click Continue on the confirmation screen to conclude the upload. 

When using the web interface, use the Preview option to see if any errors were detected in the previewed rows. If you proceed with the upload and there was something wrong detected with a course, it will be ignored.

Alternatively you can use the command-line tool admin/tool/uploadcourse/cli/uploadcourse.php.

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© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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