AJAX and Javascript settings
  • 05 Apr 2022
  • 1 minute to read

AJAX and Javascript settings

Article summary

As a Site Administrator you can adjust the site's AJAX and JavaScript preferences by going to Quick-access menu > Appearance > AJAX and JavaScript.


Use online YUI libraries

Instead of using local files, use online files available on Yahoo‘s servers.

This requires an internet connection, or no AJAX will work on your site. This setting is not compatible with sites using https.

YUI combo loading

This option enables combined file-loading optimisation for YUI libraries. This setting should be enabled on production sites for performance reasons.


Cache JavaScript

JavaScript caching and compression greatly improves pages' loading performance. It is strongly recommended for production sites. However, developers will probably want to disable this feature.


Activity chooser default

Decide if the Activity chooser should be presented to users by default.


Activity editing menus

If enabled, many of the activity-editing icons shown when viewing a course (with editing enabled) will be displayed within a dropdown menu. This reduces the content on screen when editing a course by hiding the icons until they are needed.


Block editing menus

If enabled, many of the block-editing icons shown (when editing is enabled) will be displayed within a dropdown menu. This reduces the content on screen by hiding the icons until they are needed.


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