- 05 Apr 2022
- 1 minute to read
Create a rubric
- Updated on 05 Apr 2022
- 1 minute to read
A rubric is a grading matrix that allows you to grade the learner based on a preset marking grid.
To add a new rubric you will first need to add an assignment, you will then need to follow these steps:
- Go to the assignment activity you've created.
- In the Administration block select Advanced grading.
- Next, select Rubric in the Change active grading method to dropdown.
- Click on Define a new grading form from scratch.
- Add a name and description.
- You can now start adding criterion to the rubric, clicking Add criterion for each criterion you need to add:
- Criterion: This can be a name or description for example simply 'Understanding' or 'The learner demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic'. A fuller criterion can help guide other trainers when marking.
- Level: Each criterion has a series of marking levels, which are the different point scales, for example you might have four levels going from Poor - Excellent. Each level can include a description of what it entails and is allocated a certain number of marks (these can be ascending or descending). Click Add level at the end of the criterion row to add additional levels.
- Repeat step 5 as many times as you wish.
- Configure the rubric settings.
- Click Save marking guide and make it ready (or if you want to work more on the marking guide Save as draft)
Next steps
The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.