Performance activity settings
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Performance activity settings

Article summary

General tab settings

The following settings are available under the general tab when creating a performance activity. 

Activity titleThe title of the performance activity should be brief but descriptive (and ideally unique to avoid confusion).Mandatory field.
DescriptionA short description of the performance activity. This can be helpful to allow others to understand the purpose of the activity.This is only visible to Site Administrators.
Activity type

Select the type of activity, choose from: 

  • Appraisal
  • Check-in
  • Feedback
Anonymise responsesIf enabled responses will be anonymised, meaning users will not be able to see who has responded as part of the activity.-
Visibility condition

This setting determines when users whose relationship allows them to view others' responses will have access to those responses. Responses are never visible to others before they've been submitted

Choose from the following options:

  • None (submitted responses immediately visible to viewers)
  • Response submission is closed for the participant who is viewing
  • Response submission is closed for all participants

Selection of participantsDecide which participants will be able to manually choose the participants to fill certain relationships. This allows the relationships to be controlled by the desired user to best suit each case. For example, you might allow the Subject to select the participants for the Peer relationship. This would mean the subject of an appraisal can select which peers they wish to review them.Once activated it is not possible to change the users selected. Subject and participant instances will be generated.

Content tab settings

The following settings are available under the content tab when creating a performance activity. 

Automatic closureEnable this setting to automatically close sections and instances once they have been submitted.
Closed sections can no longer be edited, and they are marked with a padlock icon (closed_padlock(1)).
If this setting is not enabled then each section will be marked as complete but will not be closed, meaning the participants can return and edit their answers at any point.

You may also want to see manually managing the availability of an activity for more information on manually opening or closing a performance activity.

Note that if On due date is selected for this setting, any activity instance that is reopened after the due date has passed will be automatically closed when the cron next runs.

Multiple sections enabledEnable this setting to divide the activity into multiple sections. Each section is presented as a page with a unique URL. For each section, you need to add a name and the responding participants (you can also optionally add view-only participants). Then add content by clicking Edit content elements. This setting gives you the flexibility to have different participants complete each section.

You can add a section above or below existing sections, but note that you cannot change the order of sections.

If you have multiple sections set up and then disable this setting, all content will be merged into the first section. Additionally, any section-specific participant settings will be removed.

Each section must include at least one question.

Responding participants

Click the button to decide which participants will need to complete the activity. You can choose from:

Select all that apply, then click Done

At least one responding relationship must be added per section.

For each participant, you can remove the participant by clicking the cross icon (thin_cross). You can also allow users to view other participants' answers by ticking the Can view others' responses checkbox.

The subject needs to be selected here for the activity to appear on the user's Your activities page.

View-only participantsClick the button to decide which participants will only be able to view the activity. You can choose from:

 Select all that apply, then click Done

For each participant, you can remove the participant by clicking the cross icon ().  

Only relationships which have not been selected as Responding participants can be added as view-only. 

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