Upload course completions
  • 19 Dec 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Upload course completions

Article summary

You can import historical completion records from a CSV file and enrol users into the specified courses. All completions imported that relate to courses that currently exist on the system will be added as Record of Prior Learning (RPL Completions). This will be indicated in reports which include these imported completions.

Evidence can optionally be created for any courses in the import which do not exist in the system.

When uploading a course completion record for a pre-existing course and where a user is not already enrolled, the system will create a manual enrolment for this user in to the course.

  1. To access the upload area, go to Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Upload completion records > Upload course records.
  2. The CSV import file is created outside of Totara and imported. The date format, delimiter and encoding type will be selected before importing. The CSV file should contain the following columns in the first line of the file:
    • username: The username from the learner’s profile.
    • courseshortname: The course short name found on the Course settings page.
    • courseidnumber: The course ID number found on the Course settings page.
    • completiondate: The date the learner completed the course. The date format can be specified in the upload settings.
    • grade: The grade the learner received in the course.
  3. You can drag and drop the file onto the page or click the Choose a file button to select the CSV file.
    • Create evidence: If you check this box then any courses/certifications that aren't found in the system will be recorded as evidence in the Record of Learning.
    • CSV Date format: Select the format dates will use.
    • CSV Grade format: Select the grade format used.
    • CSV Values separated by: Select the delimiter used in the file. Comma, semi-colon, colon or tabs can be used.
    • CSV Text Delimited with: Select the delimiter used for text values. Single quote, double quote or no delimiter can be used.
    • CSV file encoding: Select the type of encoding used for the file.
    • Override current course completionsSelect if you want the uploaded course completions to replace the existing course completion records all the time, never, or only if more recent.
    • Case insensitive shortnames: When enabled, course short names will be matched case insensitively. We strongly advise any case issues be corrected in the uploaded file as this will cause performance issues.
  1. Click the Upload button.

After you have uploaded the file the import will be processed on the next cron run. To view more detail about the import, click the Course import report link. You can also access imported records by navigating to Quick-access menu > Courses > Upload completion records > Course import report.

Note that you can also create evidence items when uploading completions. If you are creating evidence using a non-default evidence type, the CSV file can also contain custom field data mapped to the fields defined in the chosen evidence type.

Evidence types must first be created in the system (Quick-access menu > Evidence).

You can then select the evidence type on the course completions upload page, and any custom fields will appear underneath as 'customfield_shortname'. You can only upload evidence using a single evidence type at a time.

Course record upload results.

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© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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