Configure application notification preferences
    • 19 Oct 2022
    • 1 minute to read

    Configure application notification preferences

    Article summary

    Enable and disable notifications

    A number of notifications are available for approval workflow applications. As a user, you can configure your notification preferences for applications by following these steps:

    1. Click your name in the top-right-hand corner. 
    2. Select Preferences from the dropdown menu. 
    3. Select Notification preferences from the list under the User account section. 
    4. Here you can expand the Approval workflow section to see the available notifications. 

    From here you can enable or disable any notification by using the toggle under Enabled. Note that notifications are only sent if they are enabled by the administrator, and you are one of the designated recipients.

    Configuring your notification preferences for approval workflows.

    Edit delivery channels

    You can also configure your desired delivery channels (i.e. the means by which notifications are received, such as email or site notifications) for each notification.

    To configure the delivery channels for a notification, follow these steps:

    1. Click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) on the notification you wish to edit.
    2. Select Edit delivery channels.
    3. Tick the Override checkbox.
    4. Select the channels through which you wish to receive notifications.
    5. Click Save.

    Configuring delivery preferences for the level approved notification.

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