Diagnostic tool data options
    • 02 Sep 2024
    • 1 minute to read

    Diagnostic tool data options

    Article summary

    When configuring Totara's diagnostic tool, you can select a number of data providers to determine the information that will be included in the diagnostic file. Here you can see the data that will be exported for each provider.

    Provider nameExported dataWhitelist


    • Release version (e.g. 2024073100.01
    • Totara version (e.g. 18.3)
    • Maturity (e.g. alpha, stable)
    • All features and their status (enabled/disabled)
    • Database information (type, version, description)
    • PHP version
    • Enabled PHP extensions
    • Webserver information (type and version)
    • Current flavour
    • Number of users
    • Number of active users
    • Multitenancy settings (enabled/disabled and isolation enabled/disabled)
    • Number of tenants
    • Last time the cron ran
    • Whether cron run is overdue
    • Whether cron is running infrequently
    • Any warnings from the caches



    • Database family (e.g. mysql)
    • Database version
    • Database description
    • Database type (e.g. mysql, mariadb, etc.)
    • Database collation (if supported by database)
    • List of database options (see whitelist)
    • dbpersist
    • dbsocket
    • dbport
    • dbschema
    • dbhandlesoptions
    • bulkinsertsize
    • sslmode
    • ftslanguage
    • fts3bworkaround
    • ftsaccentsensitivity
    • ftsngram
    • dbcollation
    • dbengine
    • client_ssl
    • client_dont_verify_server_cert
    • ssl_verify_server_cert
    • create_table_from_select_supported
    • encrypt
    • trustservercertificate

    PHP ini information

    List of php.ini settings (see whitelist)

    • always_populate_raw_post_data
    • error_log
    • file_uploads
    • get_loaded_extensions
    • max_execution_time
    • max_file_uploads
    • max_input_vars
    • max_input_vars
    • mbstring.func_overload
    • memory_limit
    • opcache.enable
    • post_max_size
    • upload_max_filesize

    Totara plugins

    A list of all installed plugins with the following information:

    • Name
    • Type (e.g. auth)
    • Display name
    • Source (standard plugin or third-party)
    • Version
    • Enabled/disabled


    Totara upgrade history

    An export of the upgrade log filtered to only whitelisted plugins. Information provided:

    • Plugin name
    • Version
    • Version upgraded to
    • Date and time
    • User who initiated the upgrade (only when triggered via web interface)
    • Includes PHP and database versions at time of upgrade 
    • totara_core

    Totara config information

    An export of the Totara instance's config settings, limited to only whitelisted settings.

    • allowcategorythemes
    • allowcoursethemes
    • allowprelogintenanttheme
    • allowuserblockhiding
    • allowuserthemes
    • audiencevisibility
    • autolang
    • backup_release
    • backup_version
    • badges_allowcoursebadges
    • badges_allowexternalbackpack
    • block_totara_recommendations_dayctr
    • block_totara_recommendations_overctr
    • block_totara_recommendations_recctr
    • branch
    • cache_graphql_schema
    • cachejs
    • catalogtype
    • chat_method
    • clone_dbhost
    • clone_dbname
    • clone_dboptions
    • completiondefault
    • country
    • coursesperpage
    • dbfamily
    • dblibrary
    • dbtype
    • debug
    • debugdeveloper
    • debugdisplay
    • defaultquickaccessmenu
    • deletecompletionlogs
    • disablegradehistory
    • dynamicappraisals
    • dynamicappraisalsautoprogress
    • enableapi
    • enableappraisals
    • enableavailability
    • enablebadges
    • enableblogs
    • enablecalendarexport
    • enablecertifications
    • enablecompetencies
    • enablecompetency_assignment
    • enablecompletion
    • enablecompletionimport
    • enablecontainer_workspace
    • enablecontentmarketplaces
    • enablecourserequests
    • enablecourserpl
    • enableengage_resources
    • enableevidence
    • enablefeedback360
    • enableglobalrestrictions
    • enableglobalsearch
    • enablegoals
    • enablegravatar
    • enablelearningplans
    • enablelegacyprogramassignments
    • enableml_recommender
    • enablemobilewebservice
    • enablemyteam
    • enablenotes
    • enableorganisations
    • enableoutcomes
    • enableperformance_activities
    • enableplagiarism
    • enableportfolios
    • enablepositions
    • enableprogramcompletioneditor
    • enableprogramextensionrequests
    • enableprograms
    • enablerecordoflearning
    • enablereportcaching
    • enablereportgraphs
    • enablerssfeeds
    • enablesitepolicies
    • enablestats
    • enabletempmanagers
    • enabletotara_msteams
    • enabletotaradashboard
    • enableuser_reports
    • enablewebservices
    • enablewsdocumentation
    • enrol_plugins_enabled
    • extramemorylimit
    • facetoface_allow_legacy_notifications
    • facetoface_allowwaitlisteveryone
    • facetoface_approvaloptions
    • facetoface_calendarfilters
    • facetoface_disableicalcancel
    • facetoface_displaysessiontimezones
    • facetoface_export_customprofilefields
    • facetoface_export_userprofilefields
    • facetoface_hidecost
    • facetoface_hidediscount
    • facetoface_lotteryenabled
    • facetoface_managerselect
    • facetoface_multisignup_restrict
    • facetoface_multisignupamount
    • facetoface_notificationdisable
    • facetoface_oneemailperday
    • facetoface_previouseventstimeperiod
    • facetoface_roomidentifier
    • facetoface_selectjobassignmentonsignupglobal
    • facetoface_session_roles
    • facetoface_session_rolesnotify
    • facetoface_waitlistautoclean
    • filter_multilang_converted
    • filter_multilang_force_old
    • filterall
    • forceflavour
    • forcetimezone
    • fullnamedisplay
    • graphqlsessionwritecloseenabled
    • lang
    • langcache
    • langstringcache
    • locale
    • lock_factory
    • media_plugins_sortorder
    • messaging
    • mobile_device_emulator
    • os
    • ostype
    • perfdebug
    • perform_close_suspended_user_instances
    • perform_hide_incomplete_responses_closed_instances
    • perform_hide_suspended_users
    • perform_sync_participant_instance_closure
    • perform_sync_participant_instance_creation
    • preventfilelocking
    • profilingenabled
    • release
    • reverseproxyignore
    • searchengine
    • session_database_acquire_lock_timeout
    • session_file_save_path
    • session_handler_class
    • session_memcached_acquire_lock_timeout
    • session_memcached_lock_expire
    • session_memcached_lock_retry_sleep
    • session_memcached_prefix
    • session_memcached_save_path
    • session_redis_acquire_lock_timeout
    • session_redis_database
    • session_redis_host
    • session_redis_lock_expire
    • session_redis_lock_retry
    • session_redis_port
    • session_redis_prefix
    • session_redis_serializer_use_igbinary
    • session_redis5_database
    • session_redis5_host
    • session_redis5_lock_expire
    • session_redis5_lock_retries
    • session_redis5_lock_wait_time
    • session_redis5_port
    • session_redis5_prefix
    • session_redis5_sentinel_hosts
    • session_redis5_sentinel_master
    • session_redis5_serializer_use_igbinary
    • session_redis5_timeout
    • session_update_timemodified_frequency
    • showcrondebugging
    • sitetype
    • stringfilters
    • tempmanagerexpirydays
    • tempmanagerrestrictselection
    • tenantready
    • tenantsenabled
    • tenantsisolated
    • texteditors
    • theme
    • timezone
    • totara_build
    • totara_job_allowmultiplejobs
    • totara_release
    • totara_version
    • totaramessagingenabled
    • usetags
    • version

    Totara plugin information

    A list of plugin settings, limited to whitelisted plugins and settings.


    • continuous_tracking
    • unassign_behaviour


    • authtype
    • coursecompat
    • enable
    • logo
    • primarycolour
    • textcolour
    • timeout
    • urlscheme


    • bot_feature_enabled
    • manifest_app_name
    • manifest_app_version
    • messaging_extension_enabled


    • attendancetime
    • decluttersessiontable
    • defaultcsvdelimiter
    • defaultdaysbetweenstartfinish
    • defaultdaysskipweekends
    • defaultdaystosession
    • defaultfinishtime_minutes
    • defaultminbookings
    • defaultstarttime_minutes
    • eventgradingmanual
    • eventgradingmethod
    • gradepass
    • managerreserve
    • maxmanagerreserves
    • reservecanceldays
    • reservedays
    • sessionattendance
    • upgrade_customfieldmigration_cancellation
    • upgrade_customfieldmigration_signup


    • currentflavour


    • exportoptions
    • exporttofilesystem
    • financialyear
    • globalrestrictiondefault
    • globalrestrictionrecordsperpage
    • noactiverestrictionsbehaviour


    • allowedscheduledrecipients
    • allowtotalcount
    • defaultgraphcolors
    • defaultreportview
    • globalinitialdisplay
    • graphlibclass
    • schedulerfrequency
    • showdescription
    • userrestrictaudience


    • client_rate_limit
    • default_token_expiration
    • max_query_complexity
    • max_query_depth
    • response_debug
    • site_rate_limit


    • completionprogressonview
    • completionstartonenrol
    • coursedisplay
    • courseduration
    • courseenddateenabled
    • enablecompletion
    • format
    • groupmode
    • groupmodeforce
    • hiddensections
    • lang
    • maxbytes
    • maxsections
    • newsitems
    • numsections
    • showgrades
    • showreports
    • visible
    • visiblelearning

    Database table row counts

    A list of all database tables which have records and their row count at the time of export.


    Cache information

    Information about configured cache stores:

    • Store name
    • Cache plugin (e.g. file cache, session cache, etc.)
    • Ready state
    • Number of mappings for this store
    • Supported modes
    • Supported features (e.g. ttl, key awareness, etc.)
    • Locking mechanism
    • Number of mappings using this store (includes usage due to being used as default store)


    Database performance

    Result of a basic database performance test (writing and reading speed):

    • Duration
    • Number of records
    • Reading/writing speed


    IO performance

    Result of a basic IO (file operations) performance test which covers the data root and cache directory:

    • Duration
    • File size
    • Speed (MB per second)


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