Welcome to Totara Help

Your guide to the Totara Talent Experience Platform

View Older versions of help documentation (for Totara 12 and below)

What's new?

Take a look at our latest features and recently updated documentation:


Auditing notifications

Three new reports allow you to audit your site's notifications to verify that they're being sent and received as expected.


External API

Totara's new external API allows you to connect external systems to your site, configuring clients with associated service accounts to complete specific tasks.


Bulk achievement paths

You can now set up achievement paths in bulk by copying them from a source competency to any number of target competencies in the same framework.


Totara Community

Get involved in the Totara Community to hear the latest news about Totara and participate in discussions.

Join the Totara Community


Totara Academy

The Totara Academy offers a wide range of courses, programs and certifications to help you get up to speed on Totara's features, best practice, and more.

Visit the Totara Academy

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