Configure learning plan components
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 1 minute to read

Configure learning plan components

Article summary

When creating a learning plan template you can decide which components can be added to plans.

By default a learning plan has four components:

  • Courses: The courses the learner is scheduled to complete under the learning plan
  • Competencies: The competencies the learner is scheduled to complete under the learning plan
  • Objectives: Objectives are a free text field that allow the manager or learner to enter objectives they would like to work on, which are perhaps not covered by competencies
  • Programs: The programs the learner is scheduled to complete under the learning plan

Components can be hidden and the order of the components changed to suit the requirements of your organisation. To configure which components are available for a template, follow these steps:

  1. Create your learning plan template, or if you want to change the components on an existing template, go to Quick-access menu > Learning plans > Manage templates
  2. Select the cog icon to edit the template.
  3. Click the Components tab.
  4. Click Hide to remove a component from the learning plan template, or click Show to add a hidden component to the learning template.
  5. Change the order of the components you have selected for the template by clicking the up and down arrows.
  6. Click Save changes to save your changes on the components tab before leaving the tab.

Next steps

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Learning plans in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use learning plans, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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