Create a survey
  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Create a survey

Article summary

Surveys are one type of content in Totara Engage. Each survey contains a single question with multiple answers. These surveys can be used to collate users' opinions or preferences.

Unlike resources and playlists, surveys do not appear in the catalogue.

Follow these steps to create a survey:

  1. Go to Learn > Your Library from the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the plus icon () next to Your resources, or select a playlist and click the plus icon in the dotted outline.
  3. Select the Survey tab in the dialogue box.
  4. Enter the survey question (maximum 75 characters).
  5. Select whether respondents can select a single option or multiple options under How many answers can users select?
  6. Enter the answers/options under the What are the answer options? heading (maximum 80 characters per answer). You can add more options, up to a total or ten answers, by selecting the plus button (Icon

Description automatically generated) and delete options (except for the first two) using the bin icon ().
  7. Select Next.
  8. Select an option for the visibility of the survey:
    • Hidden (only you)
    • Limited (only people and workspaces you share to)
    • Public (anyone can see and share this content)
  9. If you select Public you need to assign the resource to tags using the Assign one or more tags dropdown. You can remove tags by clicking the cross (X).
  10. If you select Public or Limited you can choose who the resource is shared with and where it is shown using the Share to specific people or workspaces dropdown. Note that this setting is optional if Who can see this? is set to Public.
  11. Select Done to create the resource.

The card displays the survey question and the icon in the bottom-right corner indicates the visibility of the survey (Public, Limited, or Hidden). If required, you can edit the question and options, as well as which other users the survey is shared with, by selecting the Edit survey button.

Once your survey has received its first response you can no longer edit the survey question, options or visibility.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using playlists and resources in Totara. Here you can find out more about creating, and sharing playlists and resources, as well as find best-practice guidance.

Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

© Copyright 2025 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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