Current learning page
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 2 minutes to read

Current learning page

Article summary

The Current learning page is the default home page on the mobile app. This is the first thing a user will see after authenticating on the app. If a learner has no assigned learning, they will be able to tap the Find learning button to look for suitable courses in a web browser window. If a learner is enrolled in any courses, programs or certifications, these will be displayed as cards on a horizontal-scrolling carousel.

Learners can scroll through their courses, programs and certifications by swiping left and right, and can access their learning by tapping on a card.

The Current learning page in the mobile app.

Each card shows the following information:

  • Title: The course, program or certification title
  • Course image: The associated image for the current course, program or certification
  • Tag: Displays whether the current panel is a course, program or certification
  • Due dates: If applicable the course, program or certification's due date is displayed below the course image
  • Course description: A brief summary of the learning (this description is optional so may be blank)
  • Progress bar: If the learner has already started the learning, their progress will be shown in the top-right corner as a percentage

In addition to the cards themselves, the Current learning page will show how many learning items are due to be completed (e.g. 'You have 7 learning items to complete'). 

Courses, programs or certifications that have not been marked as mobile compatible will still appear on the Current learning page, but will not be accessible through the app. If the Learner taps on a non-mobile-compatible course they will see a pop-up notifying them that the course is incompatible, and they can optionally open the course in a web browser.

To mark a course as mobile compatible you need to set the Course compatible in-app setting to Yes in the course settings.

When a learner completes one of their assigned learning items it will disappear from their Current learning page.

Offline access

When the app is offline the user will have limited access to their learning. If the app goes offline while in use a notification will be displayed to let the user know that they are currently offline.

While offline users are able to access a cached version of the app. When an internet connection is required the learner will be be presented with a message indicating they need a network connection to continue. 

However, learners can also download their learning to access offline.

The Current learning page indicating that the app is offline.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using the Totara mobile app. Here you can learn more about how to configure and use your mobile app, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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