Activities and resources in Totara Mobile
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 1 minute to read

Activities and resources in Totara Mobile

Article summary

Courses built in Totara will typically comprise a mixture of activities and resources.

Activities are interactive items of content that you can add to a course. Activities encourage participation from learners, such as completing e-learning, posting in a forum, submitting an assignment, or casting a vote. Resources tend to be passive content items that are useful for distributing information. They are normally added to the course by a Trainer or Site Administrator and then accessed by learners (or other Trainers). There is a wide range of different resource types available in Totara Learn which can add depth to your courses.

Accessing activities and resources

To launch an activity or resource from a course page in the mobile app, users simply need to tap the chosen activity. The activity is then launched in a webview wrapper (a container displaying the activity content in a responsive format by re-sizing content) with a custom control bar.

Note that app users using Firefox as their default mobile browser may encounter issues when opening links in mobile activities or resources (such as a URL resource). To ensure that links in the Totara app can open in Firefox, check that the Open links in apps Firefox setting is set to ON by following Mozilla's documentation.

An activity displaying in a webview wrapper.

On the bottom navigation bar, learners can move forward and backwards through the content using the buttons at the bottom of the screen (e.g. multiple pages in a quiz activity or book resource). Learners can tap the X in the top-left corner to close the activity and return to the course page.

For the SCORM activity learners can view a summary page, displaying how many attempts are allowed and grades for previous attempts.

A SCORM activity in the mobile app.

Native SCORM player

While most activities and resources will launch in a responsive webview, SCORM activities are launched in the app's native SCORM player.

The SCORM player also allows SCORM activities to be accessed offline.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using the Totara mobile app. Here you can learn more about how to configure and use your mobile app, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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