- 05 Jul 2023
- 1 minute to read
Activities and resources in Totara Mobile
- Updated on 05 Jul 2023
- 1 minute to read
Courses built in Totara will typically comprise a mixture of activities and resources.
Activities are interactive items of content that you can add to a course. Activities encourage participation from learners, such as completing e-learning, posting in a forum, submitting an assignment, or casting a vote. Resources tend to be passive content items that are useful for distributing information. They are normally added to the course by a Trainer or Site Administrator and then accessed by learners (or other Trainers). There is a wide range of different resource types available in Totara Learn which can add depth to your courses.
Accessing activities and resources
To launch an activity or resource from a course page in the mobile app, users simply need to tap the chosen activity. The activity is then launched in a webview wrapper (a container displaying the activity content in a responsive format by re-sizing content) with a custom control bar.
On the bottom navigation bar, learners can move forward and backwards through the content using the buttons at the bottom of the screen (e.g. multiple pages in a quiz activity or book resource). Learners can tap the X in the top-left corner to close the activity and return to the course page.
For the SCORM activity learners can view a summary page, displaying how many attempts are allowed and grades for previous attempts.
Native SCORM player
While most activities and resources will launch in a responsive webview, SCORM activities are launched in the app's native SCORM player.
The SCORM player also allows SCORM activities to be accessed offline.
The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using the Totara mobile app. Here you can learn more about how to configure and use your mobile app, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.
Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.
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