- 13 Feb 2024
- 1 minute to read
What is a user tour?
- Updated on 13 Feb 2024
- 1 minute to read
User tours are a useful way of presenting additional information on screen. There are many ways to use this feature, including:
- To walk users through the information on a particular screen
- To explain how to complete an action or process
- To produce a single introductory dialogue box, e.g. for a welcome message
For example, when onboarding new users to your site, it is important to make sure they are comfortable with navigation and how to find the information they need. This can be tedious and logistically challenging, especially in larger organisations, and those whose employees are geographically dispersed. The user tours feature allows you to set up an initial automated walk-through for orientation.
Users can end the tour at any time, navigate back and forth through the steps, or reset the tour and replay it as many times as they want (although it only plays automatically once).
Finalising your user tour
Once you have created all of the steps in your tour it will be ready. If you haven't yet enabled the tour, you can do so by going into the tour settings, to make it active.
You can then browse to where your tour starts and test the user experience.
There is a Reset user tour on this page link in the footer that you can use to experience a tour again.
Alternatively you can navigate to Quick-access menu > Development > Experimental > User tours and select a tour, then click Force the tour to be displayed again. All users will then see the tour when they next visit the relevant page.
Next steps
The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Dashboards and basic theming in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to customise your site's appearance, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.
Join the Totara Community for more resources to help you get the most out of Totara. You can also book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.
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