Transfer workspace ownership
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 1 minute to read

Transfer workspace ownership

Article Summary

In some cases you may need to transfer ownership of a workspace, for example when the current Workspace Owner is leaving the company or is no longer able to administer the workspace. As a Workspace Owner cannot leave a workspace, if they want to leave then they will first need to transfer ownership to another user, or delete the workspace completely.

As a Site Administrator or the current Workspace Owner you can transfer a workspace to another user by following these steps:

  1. Go to Collaborate > Your spaces and select the workspace you want to transfer.
  2. Select the user actions menu in the top-right corner (this will appear as your role, e.g. Owner), then select Transfer ownership.
  3. Type the name of the user you want to be the new Workspace Owner in the Select new owner field.
  4. Select a user from the list, then click Confirm.
  5. The new Workspace Owner will be notified of the change.

Workspaces can function without a Workspace Owner, but it is recommended that all workspaces on your site have an owner to ensure that they can handle administrative functions. For example, in a private workspace you need a Workspace Owner to approve requests to join.

When you transfer ownership of a workspace to another user, the current Workspace Owner will become a member of the workspace instead. They are then able to leave the workspace.
You can use the workspace activity and engagement report to identify any workspaces without a Workspace Owner.

Next steps

C048 - Workspaces(1)

Join the conversation on Workspaces in the Totara Community. 

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Workspaces in Totara Engage. Here you can find out more about setting up and using workspaces, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

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