Using the competency profile
  • 30 Jun 2023
  • 2 minutes to read

Using the competency profile

Article summary

When you access your competency profile (or the competency profile of another user) you will see a number of elements, including progress wheels, graphs and lists. These are all explained in more detail below. 

Progress wheels

When you access either your own competency profile or the profile of someone else if there are any active assigned competencies you will see a set of progress wheels at the top of the screen. Each progress wheel represents a single assignment to a group of competencies. For example if you have been assigned to one or more competencies because of a particular position (e.g. Technical Writer) or audience (e.g. Content makers) then you will see a progress wheel representing the progress of all of the competencies assigned to you via that position. If you have any direct assignments (competencies that have been assigned directly to you and not via a position, organisation or audience) then they will also be represented by a progress wheel. As will any self-assigned competencies.

There will be no visible progress wheels if you or the user you are viewing has no competency assignments or has only archived assignments.

When viewing the progress wheels the percentage (%) figure is calculated as follows: 

  • Number of competencies rated not proficient against number of competencies rated proficient (converted into a percentage)

Graphs and lists

Underneath the progress wheels you will see either a series of graphs or a list of competencies, which you can toggle between using the option in the right corner above the graphs or list. You can then filter the graphs or lists by using the Viewing by assignment dropdown menu. Choose from:

  • Current assignment (all current assignments)
  • A particular current assignment (based on a particular position, organisation or audience assignment as well as directly assigned and self-assigned competencies)
  • Archived assignment (all archived assignments)
  • A particular archived assignment (based on a particular position, organisation or audience assignment as well as directly assigned and self-assigned competencies)


Each graph represents a single competency assignment. To help usability the number of competencies associated to each assignment will determine whether it is displayed as a bar graph or spider diagram. 

  • Assignments with two or fewer competencies will show as a bar graph
  • Assignments with 12 or more competencies will show as a bar graph
  • Assignments with between two and 12 competencies will show as a spider diagram

When viewing either the bar graph or spider diagram the yellow dots will indicate the proficient level for that competency, while the blue dots will indicate the achieved level of competency (this could be higher than the required level). The gap between the current proficiency level and required proficiency in graphs is represented as a percentage, rather than the actual rating to allow competencies with different scales to be represented together in a single graph.

If you wish to see the scale value for either the current achievement level (blue dot) or required proficiency level (yellow dot) then you can do this by hovering your mouse cursor over the dot. 

On a spider diagram you can click the name of the competency to view the detail page for that competency. On a bar graph you can instead click on the dot or bar on the graph itself.

Next steps

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Competencies in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to use competencies, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us at Alternatively, book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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