What are libraries?
  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

What are libraries?

Article summary

In Totara Engage you can view resources, surveys, and playlists in your library, which you can access via Learn > Your Library from the top navigation bar, or via the user profile (in the Contributions block). The default view in the library is Your resources. You can also view other users' libraries, or view a workspace's library.

You can navigate between the different sections of the library using the side panel. The search bar allows you to look for items based on keywords, or search for a specific resource or playlist if you know its name.

The library can be enabled or disabled in Configure features.

Your resources

This page shows all of the resources that the logged-in user has created.

The Your resources page in the user's library.

You can create a new resource by clicking the plus icon () next to Your resources.

Filters and sorting

You can filter and sort your resources in a number of ways to narrow down the resources shown. This can be useful if you have created a large number of resources.

  • Visibility: Show items based on who is able to see them. You can show items with All visibility settings, items Everyone can see, items Only you can see, or items Limited people can see
  • Type: Choose whether items for All types are shown, or only show Resources or Surveys
  • Tag: Choose whether items for All tags are shown, or only items for a specific tag
  • Sort by: Sort the resources by the date they were created (Created), how many likes they have received (Popular), or alphabetical order (A-Z)

Shared with you

This page shows a list of resources and playlists that other users have shared with you. You can keep or remove any items that have been shared with you, or save them to Saved resources.

If you have multitenancy enabled on your site then users will only be able to see user-generated content from other users in their tenant. For example, a user in tenant A would not be able to view or participate in a survey created by a user in tenant B.

Filters and sorting

If a lot of resources have been shared with you then you can sort or filter the results shown.

As with the Your resources page you can filter by Type or Tag, and you can sort by the date the resources were created (Created), popularity (Popular), alphabetical order (A-Z), or the date they were shared with the user (Date shared). Note that the default sorting method is Date shared.

Saved resources

When viewing a resource you can save it by clicking the bookmark icon (), allowing you to easily return to it later.

Any resources you bookmark will be shown in the Saved resources section.

The Saved resources page of a user's library.

Your playlists

This section shows all playlists you have created. You can click on each playlist to view the resources contained in the playlist.

You can create a new playlist by clicking the plus icon (Icon

Description automatically generated) next to Your playlists.

While viewing a playlist you have created you can also add a resource or survey by clicking the plus icon within the dotted outline. You can also reorder the resources within the playlist by dragging and dropping them, or remove resources if required.

A user's playlist.

Saved playlists

This section shows any playlists you have saved for later reference.

When viewing a playlist you can save it by clicking the bookmark icon (Icon

Description automatically generated), and click the icon again to remove it from your saved playlists.

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