What are site policies?
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 2 minutes to read

What are site policies?

Article summary

Totara's site policies functionality allows you to create and manage multiple site policies, including different versions and translations, all of which can require consent by the user. 

This functionality needs to be enabled by going to Quick-access menu > Configure features and checking the Enable site policies option. This causes the link for site policies to appear under the Security menu. 

In order to facilitate GDPR compliance, and also facilitate organisations with multiple site policy needs, it is possible for Site Administrators to create, edit, review, and delete site policies for their Totara site. Each site policy can have one or more consent-related user confirmations, which may or may not be required. If enabled, users will be required to view and consent to any current site policies that they have not viewed and consented to before. If the user doesn't accept all required terms and conditions they will be logged out.

Managing site policy

Once you have created a new policy you can click on the name of the policy to manage that policy.

When you have an unpublished version of a site policy you will see a Continue editing new version button, which you can click to make changes. This provides the same function as the edit icon () in the Action column. 

Once this version has been published you will be able to create additional versions by clicking the Create new version button.

When creating a new version, it is also possible to add notes in the What's changed section to show what is different from the previous version. 

When publishing, deleting, or archiving a version you will see a confirmation statement to ensure that you understand what is going to happen, and any possible consequences. Once a version is archived or published it cannot be edited, and neither can any of its translations. 


You can have multiple translations of your site policy, which is helpful if you are working in multiple languages or countries, as well as if you are working with people who may not have English as their first language. Allowing a site policy to be presented in a user's preferred language means that they are better able to understand it.

Consenting or declining a site policy

When a user next logs in they will be presented with any new or changed site policies for them to decide whether or not to consent. Remember that if consent is required and they do not consent, they will be logged out. Users can select from the dropdown menu which language they would like to view the policy in (if translations are available). The primary language will be displayed by default. 

Site policy consents

Any user can access Site policy consents in the Administration section of their user profile. This allows users to see how they have responded to any consent statements, including those where consent is not required. 

Users can also change their decisions and reconsent. If they remove their consent from a required consent statement (that they had previously consented to) then they will be logged out.

As a Site Administrator you can also view a report of all site policy consents via Quick-access menu > Security > Site policies > User consent report

Site policy record report

There is an embedded report source which allows you to see a report of all your site policy documents. You can read more about embedded reports in the reports documentation.

Next steps

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us at documentation@totara.com. Alternatively, book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

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