Add attendees to a seminar
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 4 minutes to read

Add attendees to a seminar

Article summary

It is possible for Site Administrators, Editing Trainers, and Trainers to add learners as attendees to a seminar event. To do this they will need to:

  1. Go to the seminar activity you wish to add attendees to.
  2. Alongside the corresponding event click the Attendees link.

Within the Attendees tab, the Actions dropdown provides the following options:

  • Add users: Add users manually
  • Add users via file upload: Add users via .csv file upload
  • Add users via list of IDs: Add users by entering in their ID number, email address, or username
  • Remove users: Remove confirmed attendees from the event

See the relevant section below for each method.

Manually adding users

You can manually add attendees by searching for the user by first name, last name or email address and/or by browsing a list of available users. 

  1. Within the Attendees tab select Add users from the Actions dropdown menu.
  2. Search for users or browse the list of Potential users
  3. When you find the user you want to add click their name(s) from the Potential user list.
    • You can select multiple individuals by holding Ctrl/Cmd or Shift when you click.
    • You can filter search results within the Potential users area using the Show only users who declared interest in this activity check box.
    • You can also choose to Allow scheduling conflicts so learners can be added to an event where they are already booked to attend another event.
  4. Click the Add button. 
  5. Click the Continue button to confirm your updates or Cancel to return to the Attendees page.
  6. You now have the option to update your user selection via the Change selected users link.
  7. Where custom fields have been added to the sign-up form you can edit them for all selected users (please see Creating custom fields for more information). 
  8. Select Confirm to add the selected users. 
You can configure the notifications that will be sent for the Booking confirmed trigger (i.e. when a user has been added to the seminar event) at the site level or for an individual seminar.

To enter different values for each user, you will need to use the Add users via file upload option.

When a seminar event has wait-listing enabled and attendees are added by a Site Administrator or Trainer, the number of users that may be booked on the event can only be within the event's room capacity. Any additional learners will remain on the wait-list.

Site Administrations or users with the mod/facetoface:signupwaitlist capability will be able to confirm and book all wait-listed users where an event allows overbooking.

Adding users via file upload

You can add attendees in bulk to an event using the Add users via file upload option. The file should be a CSV containing a heading row and one or more data rows. If a row contains multiple columns they should be separated by a comma (,). Every row must have the same number of columns.

The following fields must be provided:

  • Username, idnumber, or email (choose only one, it will act as unique identifier for the user)

Optional fields:

  • The unique shortname of each custom field within the sign-up form

If the custom field is required, the CSV file must have a column for each custom field and value.

When select job assignment on sign up enabled, it will also recognise field jobassignmentidnumber for job assignments. Please see Learner seminar bookings and Job assignments for more information.

To add users via this method you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the seminar activity you wish to add attendees to.
  2. Alongside the corresponding event click the Attendees link.
  3. Under the Attendees tab use the Action dropdown menu to select Add users via file upload
  4. Use the file picker to upload your CSV file.
  5. Then select the relevant Encoding standard.
  6. Click Continue to move to the next step. 
  7. If you want to you can update your user selection via the Change selected users link.
  8. Next, choose which, if any, confirmation messages you wish to send to the selected users and their managers. 
  9. Finally, click Confirm to add the selected users or Cancel.

Adding users via a list of IDs

You can add attendees in bulk to an event using the Add users via list of IDs option and entering in their ID number, email address, or username.

To add users via this method you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the seminar activity you wish to add attendees to.
  2. Alongside the corresponding event click the Attendees link.
  3. Under the Attendees tab use the Action dropdown menu to select Add users via list of IDs.
  4. Choose your preferred User identifier from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter the relevant details in the User to add box. Ensure you enter only one identifier per line.
  6. When all details have been entered, click Continue.
  7. If you need to you can update your user selection via the Change selected users link. 
  8. Next, choose which, if any, confirmation messages you wish to send to the selected users and their managers.
  9. Where custom fields have been added to the sign-up form you can edit them for all selected users. To enter different values for each user, you will need to use the Add users via file upload option.
  10. Select Confirm to add the selected users.

Confirmation messages

After adding or removing attendees you will be returned to the Attendees page receive an on screen success message. You can view a breakdown of all actions by clicking on View results

Confirmed attendees

When an event has attendees, they will be displayed below the Actions dropdown list. Their full name, time of sign-up, booking status, and organisation name(s) will display as well as their responses to any sign-up form custom fields.

The edit icon under the Actions heading will allow you to edit an attendees responses to any custom fields within the sign-up form. 

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to Seminar Management in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more about how to use seminars, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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