Available audience rule sets
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 14 minutes to read

Available audience rule sets

Article summary

When creating or editing a dynamic audience, the following rule sets (which will determine membership) are available. 

User profile fields rules

Text area custom fields are not supported due to performance implications and search complexity, e.g. images can be uploaded, HTML input, etc.


ID number

Select if the user's ID number 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specific value. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple values.

In some cases, you may want to code your users' ID numbers so that you can create audiences based on them. For example, you could have the ID numbers for users based in the UK ending with '44'. In this case, you would set a rule specifying 'ends with' and '44'. 


Select if the user's username 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

In some cases, you may want to code your users' usernames so that you can create audiences based on them. For example, you could add the prefix 'nz_' to all of your users based in New Zealand, then set a rule specifying 'starts with' and 'nz_'.

Email address

Select if the user's email address 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

You may wish to exclude users with specific email addresses. For example, if you only wanted users with a specific company email to access a certain set of training or performance activities, you could set a rule that selects users whose email address contains '@examplecompany.com'.

Language preference

Select if the user's preferred language is 'equal to' or 'not equal to' any of the languages on your system.

If a specific set of courses is only available in a specific language (Spanish, for example), you may want to set a rule for an audience to ensure that only Spanish-speaking users are enrolled in the courses or programs.

First name / Last name

Select if either the user's first name or last name 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

If users have not provided their names, you may want to exclude them from certain audiences. If you wanted to exclude anonymous users, you could set up first name and last name rules specifying 'is empty'. You could then use an Audience member rule to assign the learning only to users who are not part of this audience.

City / Country

Select if either the user's city or country 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

You may have courses or programs that only need to be completed by users in certain countries, or even specific offices. For example, you could set a rule that the user's city must contain 'London'.

Institution / Department

Select if either the user's institution or department 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

You may need to set up audiences based on your institutions or departments. For example, if you had a program that all users except for those in the Finance and Legal departments need to complete, you could set a rule that the department field 'is not equal' to 'finance,legal'.

User is suspended

This allows you to select 'yes' or 'no' for whether the user is suspended or not.

You may wish to exclude suspended users from your dynamic audience to ensure that only active users are assigned.

Tenant membership

Select if the user is a member of a specific tenant by choosing 'Equal to' or 'Not equal to', then choose a tenant or multiple tenants. Note that system users and tenant participants will not be included.

You may wish to create a dynamic audience so that you can assign users to a course while excluding users from a specific tenant.

Time created date 

Select if the user's account was created before, on, or after a specific date or relative days.

You may want to introduce a user to specific induction training or stagger their enrolment onto training relative to when they start as a member of the organisation, or to prompt re-engagement for existing employees.

All job assignments rules



Select if the user's title 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings.

You may want to create an audience of users with similar roles. For example, you might want to include a range of different advisor roles from different departments or even organisations. In this case, you could set a rule that the user's title must contain 'Advisor'.

Start dates / End dates

This allows you to select users based on the start or end date of any of their job assignments. Select the first radio button to choose if the assignment date is 'before and on' or 'on and after' a specific time and date using the dropdown lists. Select the second radio button to choose if the assignment date is 'before previous', 'within the previous', 'within the upcoming', or 'after the upcoming' number of days.

In some cases, you may want to create an audience of users who have started or ended a job assignment in a specific period. For example, if you needed to select all users who had taken on a managerial role in the last three months, you could first set a rule to select users with management-related job assignments, then set a rule specifying that the start date should be 'on and after' and '90 days'.


This allows you to select a position or multiple positions from your position hierarchy. To select the position, either click through the position hierarchy to find the position(s) or use the search tab. If there are more than 100 positions in your hierarchy structure you will need to search for the position(s). Click the position(s) to select. Set if the user's positions need to be 'equal to' or 'not equal to' the selected position and set whether you wish to include child positions, e.g. positions appearing below the selected position in the hierarchy structure.

You might want to include or exclude users with a specific position from an audience. For example, if you know that Health and Safety Officers are required to complete advanced training, you could exclude them from an audience for assigning general health and safety training. In this case, you could select the relevant positions and specify 'not equal to'.

Position Names / Position ID Numbers

Select if the user's position name (or the position ID number) needs to be 'equal to' or 'not equal to' the specific value. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple values.

You may want to create an audience of users with similar roles - for example, you might want to include a range of different advisor roles from different departments or even organisations. In this case, you could set a rule that the user's position must contain 'Advisor'.

Position Assignment Dates

This allows you to select users based on their position assignment date in any of their job assignments. Select the first radio button to choose if the assignment date is 'before and on' or 'on and after' a specific time and date using the dropdown lists. Select the second radio button to choose if the assignment date is 'before previous', 'within the previous', 'within the upcoming', or 'after the upcoming' number of days.

You may need to create an audience of users who have been assigned to a specific position in the last month. Firstly you would need to set a rule specifying the position, and then you would set a rule specifying that the position assignment date must be 'within the previous' and '30 days'.

Position Types / Organisation types

This allows you to select users based on their position type or organisation type by selecting 'equal to' or 'not equal to' any position(s) from the list.

You may want to select users with a specific position type, rather than just the position. For example, if you already had an audience with a rule specifying the position 'Project Manager', you could add a second rule to select a position type from the list. In this case, you might want the audience to only include Project Managers with the type 'Agile'.

Position and Organisation custom fields

Certain custom fields added to organisation and position types will show as options for dynamic audience rules. The supported custom field types are:

  • Checkbox
  • Date/time
  • Menu of choices
  • Multi-select
  • Text input

You may wish to group users based on a specific attribute of their assigned position or organisation.


This allows you to select an organisation or multiple organisations from your organisation hierarchy. To select the organisation(s), either click through the organisation hierarchy to find the organisation(s) or use the search tab. If there are more than 100 organisations in your hierarchy structure you will need to search for the organisations(s). Click the organisation(s) to select. Set if the user's organisations need to be 'equal to' or 'not equal to' the selected organisation(s) and set whether you wish to include child organisations, e.g. organisations that appear below the selected organisation(s) in the hierarchy structure.

You could use this rule to set up audiences based on your organisations. For example, if you had an organisation for your EMEA office, you could set up the organisation rule and choose the EMEA office from the list.

Organisation Names / Organisation ID Numbers

Select if either the user's organisation name or organisation ID number 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specified string of characters or value. Use a comma-separated list to enter multiple strings or values.

You can use these rules to narrow down users based on their organisations. For example, you could select only users with 'Europe' in their organisation name by entering 'contains' and 'Europe'. This would include users whose organisations were 'France (Europe)', 'Germany (Europe)', and so on.


Select the manager(s) name from the list. If there are more than 100 managers you need to use the search tab to locate the manager(s). Select if the user 'reports to' or 'reports directly to' the selected manager(s).

You might need to assign learning to users who report to specific managers who have requested additional training for their teams. In this case, you could select the relevant managers and select 'reports directly to' from the dropdown.

Has direct reports

Select if the user has direct reports in any of their job assignments, and their total number of direct reports is 'none' or 'at least', 'no more than', or 'exactly' a specific number of people.

You may want an audience to comprise users who have some managerial responsibilities so that you can assign learning or performance activities related to mentoring or managing a team.

Has indirect reports

Select if the user is a manager with indirect staff in any of their job assignments, and their total number of indirect reports is 'none' or 'at least', 'no more than', or 'exactly' a specific number of people.

You may need to provide specific dashboard content or information to managers of managers, or direct specific training to managers of managers.

Has temporary reports

Select if the user is a manager with temporary staff in any of their job assignments and their total number of direct reports is 'none' or 'at least', 'no more than', or 'exactly' a specific number of people.

You may want people who have been temporarily assigned as managers unexpectedly, or are temporarily acting in a manager's role who is on leave, to fulfil a manager's roles and tasks.

Has appraisees

Select if the user has appraisees in any of their job assignments and the total number of their appraisees is 'none' or 'at least', 'no more than', or 'exactly' a specific number of people.

You may want to direct training to anyone who is an appraiser in your organisation.

ID number

Select if the user's job assignment ID number 'contains', 'does not contain', 'is equal to', 'starts with', 'ends with', 'is empty', or 'is not equal to' a specific value.

You may want to push training or performance activities to staff based on specific roles.

Learning rules (Totara Learn)


Course completion / Program completion

When using this rule a list of available courses or programs appears. Select the required course(s)/program(s) from the list and set if the user needs to complete all or any of the courses or programs selected.

You may need to set up an audience of users who have completed a specific course or program. For example, you may want to create an audience for users who have completed a beginner first aid course, so that you can assign them to an advanced first aid program.

Course completion date / Program completion date

When using this rule, a list of available courses/programs appears. Select the required course(s)/program(s) from the list and set if the user needs to complete the selected courses or programs before or after the specified date.

You may want to create an audience based on when learners completed a specific course or program. For example, you could assign refresher learning to learners who completed a course over two years ago by selecting the course and 'before previous 730 days'.

Course completion duration

When using this rule, a list of available courses appears, allowing you to select the required course(s) from the list and set if the user needs to complete 'less than' or 'more than' the number of days set.

In some cases, you may find it useful to create audiences based on how much time has passed since users completed a specific course. For example, you could assign refresher learning to any learners who completed a course more than a year ago if you wanted them to complete a newer and more relevant course.

Program completion duration since assignment / Program completion duration since started

When using this rule, a list of available programs appears, allowing you to select the required program(s) from the list and set if the user needs to complete the program(s) in 'less than' or 'more than' the number of days set from either being assigned to the program or from starting the program.

You may want to create an audience for learners who took a certain amount of time to complete a specific program. For example, if you had a program that learners were required to complete within a year of being assigned to the program, but you knew some learners had not completed the program within the allowed time, you could set up an audience to target these users. In this case, you would select 'more than' and '365 days'.

Historic course completion

When using this rule, a list of available courses appears. Select the required course(s) from the list and set if the user needs to have completed any or all of the courses, or has not completed any or all of the courses selected from the list. The completion will be based on historic (archived) records.

You may want to assign users to a certification based on their historic completion of courses within the certification.

Historic course date

When using this rule, a list of available courses appears. Select the required course(s) from the list and set if the user needs to have completed the selected courses by a certain date or relative day.

You may want to enrol a user into a specific course one year after they have previously completed another course.

Course enrolment

Select users who are (or who are not) enrolled in a specific course.

You may want to enrol a group of people who are not already enrolled in the course.

Program assignments

Select users who are (or who are not) assigned to a specific program.

You may want to enrol or suggest courses to an audience who have completed a specific program.

Audience rules


Audience member

When using this rule, a list of existing audiences appears, allowing you to select the required audience(s) from the list. You can then select if users are 'in audience(s)' or 'not in audience(s)'.

You may want to create an audience based on the audiences in which users are already enrolled - this can be particularly useful when creating an audience with multiple rules. For example, you may want to create an audience for members of a 'Finance employees' audience who are also based in the United States (using the Country rule).

System rules


First login date / Last login date

These rules allow you to select users based on their first or last login date. Select the first radio button to choose if the login date is 'before and on' or 'on and after' a specific time and date using the dropdown lists. Select the second radio button to choose if the login date is 'before previous', 'within the previous', 'within the upcoming', or 'after the upcoming' number of days.

You may want to assign refresher learning to users who haven't used the system in a while. For example, you could use the 'Last login date' rule and select 'before and on' 31 December for the previous year, meaning any users who haven't logged in for the current calendar year will be added to the audience.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using audiences in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to use audiences, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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