Available file licences
  • 06 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Available file licences

Article summary

The following licences are available to add to your files in Totara. 


All rights reserved

This indicates the content creator retains all rights provided by copyright laws.


Public domain

A type of Creative Commons licence that indicates that the work should be made freely available to the public to be edited, copied or otherwise used. 

See the public domain page on the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons

A Creative Commons licence that requires only attribution (BY) when sharing the work. Credit must be given to the original content creator. 

See the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons - No Derivs

A Creative Commons licence that requires attribution (BY) and no derivatives (ND). Credit must be given to the content creator and no adaptions of the work are allowed without permission from the content creator.

See the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons - No Commercial NoDerivs

A Creative Commons licence that requires attribution (BY), no derivatives (ND), and no commercial use (NC). Credit must be given to the content creator, no adaptions of the work are allowed, and it cannot be shared commercially without permission from the content creator. 

See the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons - No Commericial

A Creative Commons licence that requires attribution (BY) and no commercial use (NC). Credit must be given to the content creator and it cannot be shared commercially without permission from the content creator. 

See the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons - No Commercial ShareAlike

A Creative Commons licence that requires attribution (BY), no commercial use (NC), and share-alike (SA). Credit must be given to the content creator, it cannot be shared commercially, and any derivatives or distributions of the work must be shared under the same licensing as the original work unless there is express permission to do otherwise from the content creator. 

See the Creative Commons website for more information.

Creative Commons - ShareAlike

A Creative Commons licence that requires attribution (BY) and share-alike (SA). Credit must be given to the content creator and any derivatives or distributions of the work must be shared under the same licensing as the original work unless there is express permission to do otherwise from the content creator. 

See the Creative Commons website for more information.


© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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