Available filters
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Available filters

Article summary

There are a number of filters available in Totara as standard. These are outlined below.



This filter parses Totara texts and will fully render any TeX expressions that it finds within specific tokens. The MathJax filter also improves the appearance of buttons and previews within the equation editor that is part of the Atto text editor.

You can find out more on the TeX notation filter functions and symbols page.

Activity names auto-linking

This filter scans text for activity titles that exist in the same course and creates a link.  

To use this filter effectively you should use descriptive activity names. For example; an activity name of 'Test' would cause the word 'Test' to be linked to the activity every time it appears on the course page.

Multimedia plugins

This filter associates uploaded multimedia files with the correct media players.

See Embedding media for more information.

Word censorship

This filter censors words (using asterisks) that are included in the list in the Word censorship settings.

See Word censorship on the What are filters? page. Totara Learn only. 

Algebra notation

This filter converts algebra code into GIF images. It requires the TeX notation filter to be enabled.


Database auto-linking

This filter will create links to a database entry where the name/title (word or phrase) of the database entry is used within the same course in which the database is located. This includes forum postings, pages, labels, etc. 

If entries are required before viewing, the Database auto-linking filter should be disabled. This is because the filter can't determine whether a user has submitted the required number of entries.

Email protection

This filter scrambles email addresses in user profiles so that outside search engines and guests can’t see users' email addresses. This protects your users from spammers and other attackers. While the email protection filter scrambles emails for other parts of the Totara system, it will be ignored when displaying emails in reports.

The filter_emailprotection plugin for Email protection has been deprecated in Totara 13.

Display emoticons as images

This filter converts emoticon characters into images. 


Glossary auto-linking

This filter scans text for glossary entry titles and works in the same way as the Activity names auto-linking filter. In addition to this filter, individual glossary entries must have the This entry should be automatically linked box checked.


Multi-Language Content

This filter enables resources to be created in multiple languages. When enabled, it looks for <span lang="xx" class="multilang"> tags, which indicates that text contains multiple languages. The filter then selects and outputs the best language for the current user. The language of the resource changes when the user changes their selected language in Totara.

If your site uses a child language pack then the first span tag must be the parent language. For example, if your site uses en_us then the en span tag (as parent language) must be first, i.e.

<span lang="en" class="multilang">your_content_in English</span>

<span lang="de" class="multilang">your_content_in_German_here</span>

If the Force language course setting is set to a particular language then this filter won't be able to change the displayed language.

Only spaces, tabs and enters can be used between the individual languages in the multi-language block. Please review the HTML in source view.

If you are adding multi-language content to the main menu, select Content and headings in the Apply to column.

The multi-language filter does not work with course short names. A course's short name is a unique course identifier, so the multi-language filter can't be used.

You may experience issues if trying to use multilang tags alongside another tag, such as those required for the select missing words question type. A limit of 255 characters may apply in some areas when inputting content using multilang tags.

TeX notation

This filter allows you to represent mathematical symbols in Totara.

You can find out more on the TeX notation filter functions and symbols page.


This filter checks whether HTML code is XHTML-compliant, tidying where necessary.

The filter_tidy plugin for HTML Tidy has been deprecated in Totara 13.

Convert URLs into links and images

This filter will convert valid web addresses into hyperlinks, or an associated image.


© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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