Block settings
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Block settings

Article summary

All blocks have a set of common configurations, and some blocks have settings specific to the block type.

Both the common and specific (Custom) block configurations can be accessed when editing is turned on, by clicking the cog icon () and then selecting Configure [name] block.

Common configurations are broken into sections:

  • Common block settings
  • Block appearance
  • Where this block appears
  • On this page

Common block settings


Block title

The title or name of the block.

The block title can be changed when the option to Override default block title has been enabled.

Check this option to change or remove the default block title.

A block title will only be displayed when the header is displayed.

Enable this option to allow individual users to hide (collapse) a block from their personal view.

Please see information about hiding blocks on the What are blocks? page for more information.

Enable this option to allow individual users to move this block to the docking area on the left-hand side of the screen.

This is a user-specific display option. 

Block appearance


Show header

Toggle this option to show or hide the block's header.

A headerless block will not display the block title or the space above the block unless editing it turned on. 

Show border

Allows you to choose whether or not to show the block's border.

A borderless block will not have the theme-based border or outline around the block. This is especially useful for display and navigation blocks such as the Featured Links and HTML blocks. 

Where this block appears

Configure the default display location and positioning for all instances of this block type.


Original block location

This describes where the block was first displayed.

This field is for information purposes only and cannot be changed.

Page contexts

Choose from:

  • Display on the front page only
  • Display on the front page and any page added to the front page
  • Display throughout the entire site


Default region

Select in which region this block should, by default, be displayed.

Themes may define one or more named block regions where blocks are displayed. This setting defines which of these you want this block to appear in by default. The region may be overridden on specific pages if required.

Default weight

The default weight allows you to choose roughly where you want the block to appear in the chosen region, either at the top or the bottom.

The final location is calculated from all the blocks in that region (for example, only one block can actually be at the top). This value can be overridden on specific pages if required.

On this page



Choose whether this block will be visible to users.

Administrators and other users with sufficient access rights can see hidden blocks in a collapsed form.


Select which block region or column this block will be added to.

A block can be subsequently moved by Site Administrators and users with the capability /site:manageblocks.


Choose the default weight or listing order for this block.

A block can be subsequently moved by Site Administrators and users with the capability /site:manageblocks.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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