Competency type custom field settings
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Competency type custom field settings

Article summary

There are a number of settings available for custom fields in competency types, including general settings and some settings specific to different custom field types. 

General custom field settings

Full nameThe name of the custom field - this should be descriptive.-
Short nameThis is the unique short name.-
Is this field required?When set to Yes the field is compulsory.Note that this setting cannot be changed for Decimal input and Integer input custom fields, as it’s important that empty strings are not stored for these field types.
Is this field locked?When set to Yes the field only displays the information set when the field was set up.-
Should the data be unique?When set to Yes the field only accepts unique values.-
Hidden on the settings page?When set to Yes the field is not displayed on the competency framework overview page.-

Custom field types and settings 

Custom field type
Specific settings
CheckboxA check or tick box field.
Select whether the checkbox should be checked/selected by default.
Date and TimeA day, month, year, hour and minute selector.

Enter the Start year and End year to set the range of dates available.

Check the Include time? box to include the hour and minute selector.

Users must Enable the field to use.
Decimal inputAllows the user to enter a decimal value.
Enter a Default value, and optionally enter a Minimum value and Maximum value.

Enter a Step value, which sets the acceptable increments (e.g. a Step value of 0.5 will allow inputs such as -1.0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc.).

Enter the accepted number of Decimal points.
FileAdds a standard file upload field.
-Any number of files can be added to this area.
Integer inputAllows the user to enter a whole number.
Enter a Default value, and optionally enter a Minimum value and Maximum value.

Enter a Step value, which sets the acceptable increments (e.g. a Step value of 5 will allow inputs such as -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, etc.).
LocationProvides an address field and an optional Google Maps location.
Optionally default values for:
  • Address
  • Map size
  • Map view
  • Display
  • Map location
You can set the map location using an address entered above or search for an address, town or city.

If you want to refine the location of the Google Maps pin, you can do so by clicking on it while holding the mouse button, moving the pin and then releasing the mouse button.

Menu of choicesA dropdown field with single option selection.
Enter one or more Menu options in the box provided with one item per line.

Optionally set a Default value in the box under the list of Menu options.

Multi-selectA tick box to select one or many options. A custom image may be added for each option.
Enter one or more Menu options in the fields provided. Add more menu options using the Add another option link. Optionally add icons for each option via the Choose icon link and/or make one option Selected by default.

Deleting menu options from custom field settings will not remove it from the records where it is currently selected.

Custom icons can be uploaded via Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Courses > Custom icons.

Text areaA free text area with the default HTML editor.Optionally set a Default value for the contents of the text box. Specify the width of the text area via the Columns area and the height via Rows.If a text editor plugin is applied to the text area, the width will be determined by the plugin, and changing this value may have no effect.
Text inputA single line of text for short amounts of text.

Optionally set a Default value for the contents of the text field.

Optionally set the Display size by entering the maximum number of characters this field will display.

Optionally set the Maximum length by entering the number of characters this field will accept.

Optionally enter a Regular expression validation and the Description of the regular expression validation format.

A regular expression can be used to ensure entered text is in the expected format. For example /^[0-9]{3}$/ will ensure that the text consists of exactly three numbers.

This validation is performed only when submitting forms with custom fields, and current data is not affected after validation is changed.

URLA weblink.Enter the URL and optionally some Default text. Check the box for the link to Open in a new window.-

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