Course completion editor
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 5 minutes to read

Course completion editor

Article summary

The course completion editor allows you to review and edit a learner's course completion

The editor allows you to edit course completion, criteria completion, activity completion, and historic data for any learner. It allows you to put this data into any valid state. There are also transaction logs, which record all changes that are made to these records (both from within the editor and in other areas of Totara Learn, e.g. completion of an activity, or when cron reaggregates completion). It also includes a checker, which can be used to find records which have a problem (e.g. data in an invalid state).

The course completion editor is available if you have the right permissions from any course via Course administration > Completion editor. To access the editor you need to have the capability totara/completioneditor:editcoursecompletion (by default this is only Site Administrators).

Course completion settings

When editing course completions using the completion editor, you can change the following settings.


Editing mode

Choose from:

  • Use activity completion: This will pull details from the activity completion record, meaning you cannot manually override the criteria status
  • Use separate completion data: Does not use activity record so you can manually set the criteria status


Criteria status

If using the editing mode Use separate completion data then you can use the dropdown menu to change this to Completed or Not completed.

If you make this completed you will be able to set the time of completion and any RPL.

Otherwise this will be marked as completed only if the activity is complete.


Criteria time completed

The time the criteria was completed which is taken from the activity completed time (if using activity completion).



The RPL is the Record of Prior Learning, use this field to enter a note if the criteria/activity was completed previously or outside of the system. This can be set if the criteria or activity status are set to Completed.


Activity status

Use the dropdown menu to change this to Completed or Not completed.


Activity time completed

The time the activity was completed (if using activity completion).



You can manually check the box to mark the activity as viewed.


Maximum gradeSet the highest possible grade for the selected item.This field can only be edited for historic entries.
Minimum gradeSet the lowest possible grade for the selected item.This field can only be edited for historic entries.

Completion checker

The completion checker displays a summary of all problems that have been detected, as well as a list of all the individually affected records. Advice and/or automated fixes may be available for each category of problem. Clicking a user will take you to the completion editor for that user, where the problem can be manually fixed, or automatically fixed if an automatic fix is available for the specific problem.

The checker can be accessed in two ways:

  • Site level: If you've got the capability in the site context then in you can go to Courses > Manager courses and Categories under the quick-access menu, where there is a link at the top of the page Check course completions. Using this link will check for all problems in all completion records in all courses.
  • Course level: From the Completion editor in a course there is a link in the top-left corner to Check course completions. Using this link will check for all problems in all completion records relating to the current course.

Course completion record tabs

When viewing the course completion record to edit it you will notice there are a number of tabs, these are:

  • Overview: A summary of the information available in the other tabs
  • Current completion: The learner's completion record for the current course (can be edited directly on the page, then click Save changes)
  • Criteria and activities: Completion record for individual activities and resources on the course (can be edited as described above in edit course completion)
  • History: Completion history if the learner has previously completed the course (you can create records using the Add history button)
  • Transactions: A record of any completion record changes, including who changed then and what they changed

Troubleshooting: Updating the course completion when activity completion status changes

When changing the completion for an activity from complete to incomplete, the course completion may still show the user's status as complete. You may need to update course completions in the following scenarios:

  • As a result of the updated activity completion status the user now fails to meet course completion criteria
  • When changing the activity completion of a seminar from Fully attended to No show (for example when the initial status was entered incorrectly and needs to be amended)
  • When the course completion does not recalculate automatically on the next cron run using the core\task\completion_regular_task scheduled task

Here are some possible solutions and workarounds for updating the course completion:

  • Setting the course completion criteria to Manual Self-Completion so the Learner can mark the course as complete. You will also need to add the Self completion block to the course page.
  • Setting the course completion criteria to Manual Completion by Others so that users with one or more roles can mark the Learner as complete. This includes the ability to include multiple marked tasks.
  • The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) function can be used to recognise previous completions or alternative completions that are an exception to the course completion criteria. By checking the RPL tickbox you can mark a course as complete via RPL.
  • Upload course completion records in bulk via a CSV file (Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Upload completion records > Upload completion records).
  • Change the course completion criteria. If the criteria are changed and the option is selected to Unlock criteria and delete existing completion data, and the criteria for completion no longer matches a user's records, the course completion is removed. This will only remove the historic completion at the course level and will leave their activity completion intact.
  • Using the course completion editor to manually edit course completion for individual users.
  • Using the completion archive to allow courses that are not part of a certification or program can archive all completions for all users within that course. Their current completion is then moved to their historical record of course completion for this course and they are now able to start this course again.
  • Use the course completion reset to delete completion data for all users. You could do this prior to reuploading the updated course completions in bulk.
© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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