Course custom field types
  • 05 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Course custom field types

Article summary

When adding custom fields to courses, there are a number of different custom field types to choose from.

Field type


Presents a check box that can be ticked. 

Could be used for something like, 'Is course eligible for tuition reimbursement?'


Enables users to enter a date and time. 

For example you could use this for the last date by which a user may be allowed to enrol (if this is a different value than course end date).

Decimal inputAllows the user to enter a decimal numeric value.Could be used to show the number of hours the course should take to complete, e.g. 2.5 hours.


Enables users to add a file.

You could use this to attach a rubric by which work will be scored, a course schedule, or a list of objectives.

Integer inputAllows the user to enter a whole number.Could be used to show the number of credits the course is worth.


Enables users to configure and display a location. 

Could be used to show the location of a face-to-face component of the course. 

Menu of choices

Presents a dropdown menu of options. 

An example might be to provide a list of departments that this course content is appropriate for (finance, IT, customer service, maintenance, etc.).


Presents a number of options with radio buttons and icons (you can choose multiple options).

For example you could have an accessibility list, something like: 

Select the accessibility criteria this course content meets: 

  • Videos have closed captions
  • Sign language translation available
  • Classroom is wheelchair accessible
  • Low/no scent environment

Text area

Allows the user to enter text and other content (such as images, hyperlinks, and attachments). 

Additional area for trainers to provide comments about course materials (content warnings, attendance requirements, etc.).

Text input

Allows the user to enter text. 

This could be a code or identifier used for the course elsewhere, such as in an external catalogue.


Allows the user to enter a URL.

Examples include a link to the instructor's website, a bio, or a company offering additional training.

If creating a custom field for Course score for use within a program or certification, ensure the value entered within this field is a whole number (e.g. 1, 10, 15 etc.).
© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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