Currently assigned users report
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Currently assigned users report

Article summary

The Currently assigned user report utilises the report builder tool in Totara, allowing you to customise the report to best suit your needs. It shows you each competency assignment in the system, allowing you to look at competency assignments in detail. For each competency assignment you can see:

  • Who the competency was assigned to (user's full name)
  • Which competency was assigned (competency name)
  • How it was assigned (assignment type e.g. via individual assignment, via group assignment such as by membership to a particular audience or organisation)
  • Who assigned it and when

This report details every single assignment to a competency, whereas the mini-report you see on the Competency assignment page only shows the Competency assignment groups, rather than showing the impact on each user (unless the assignment type was to an individual). This also means that you can see duplicate assignments, if someone has been assigned to the same competency multiple times through different methods (for example once via their position and then again via their membership of a particular audience). 

To view the Currently assigned users embedded report users need to have the totara/competency:manage_assignments (or totara/competency:view_assignments) and moodle/user:viewdetails capabilities.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Competencies in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to use competencies, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

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