Event monitoring notification placeholders
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Event monitoring notification placeholders

Article summary

When creating or editing an event monitoring rule, you can embed placeholders to add details to notification messages. The use of placeholders is optional; you can use any personalised message, but if you wish to use placeholders, there are some useful examples below.

The placeholders that can be used in a message template are as follows:

PlaceholderWhat it doesExample


Direct link to the actual event, e.g. a forum discussion.



Link to the module where the event has happened, e.g. a forum.



A name for the rule.

Learner discussions.


A description of the rule.

I want to receive notifications when there is a large volume of learner posts in a discussion.


The name of the event being monitored.

Forum post created.

Some events do not have a link. For example, Course deleted and Course module deleted would not display any link if {link} or {modulelink} is used.

Example: Forum posts

In the example below a rule called 'learner discussions' has been set up to monitor the creation of forum posts, using the Forum post created event.

The notification message for this using placeholders might go as follows:

The rule {rulename}, monitoring the event {eventname}, has just been fulfilled. Click the following link to go to the forum discussion: {link}

Rule description: {description}

The result would display like this:

The rule learner discussions, monitoring the event Forum post created, has just been fulfilled. Click on the following link to go to the forum discussion: http://YourTotara.com/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=2.

Rule description: I want to receive notifications when there is a large volume of learner posts in a discussion.

Example: Glossary entries

In the following example, a rule has been created called 'Glossary entries' to monitor when a new glossary entry is created.

The notification message might use the following placeholders:

The rule {rulename}, monitoring the event {eventname}, has just been fulfilled. Click the following link to go to see the new entry created: {link}

Rule description: {description}

The message would look like this:

The rule Glossary entries, monitoring the event Entry has been created, has just been fulfilled. Click the following link to go to see the new entry created: http://YourTotara.com/mod/glossary/view.php?id=5&mode=entry&hook=1.

Rule description: I want to receive notifications when a new glossary entry is created.

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