Export type settings
  • 27 Sep 2024
  • 5 minutes to read

Export type settings

Article summary

When creating or editing an export type as part of your user data management, you can decide which information should be included in the export file. You can also decide whether it will include files or not. 

If you select an item for which you want to export data, then (generally) all user-related data held in that item will be exported. This includes data that the user might not normally be able to see. For example, if there is a hidden forum, but you tick forum posts, it will still export the hidden forum's data. In some cases there may be separate options for exporting visible and non-visible data, but this is only in limited cases.


Full name

The name of the export type.


ID number

This is a unique ID number used to identify the export type.



This can be used to describe the purpose and limitations of the export type. This is especially useful if you have multiple export types and/or the Full name isn't very descriptive.


Permitted use

Tick the box to allow users to export their own data. This also makes the export type available for use.

Where an export type allowing a user to export their own data is available, users can request this export via the Administration section of their Profile.

Include files

Tick the box if you wish to include files in the export.

Including files in the export can significantly increase the size of the export file.

Data to be exported

User data

Choose which pieces of user data to include in the export including first name, username and email address. Tick the box to include data or untick it to exclude it from the export.

Some details, such as first name and last name, are not available for Suspended user purge types, as a name is required for the account to work in the site.


Decide which user-generated content from various activity modules to include, such as forums and glossaries. You can decide to include elements such as comments, posts, and ratings. Tick the box to include data, or untick it to exclude it from the export.

Totara Learn only.


Select whether you want to include resources and/ or resource views. 

Totara Learn only. 




Choose which user-generated content from various block types to include, such as Recent activity and Admin bookmarks. Tick the box to include data, or untick it to exclude it from the export.



Decide whether to include certification assignments and completion in the export.

Totara Learn only. 


You can select the competency data you wish to include:

  • Competency assignments (this includes individual assignments and assignments due to the user being a member of an audience, being in a position or in an organisation)
  • Achievement records 
  • Manual ratings on self
  • Manual ratings on others

Totara Perform only. 


Course completion data, including activity completion. Tick the box to include data, or untick it to exclude it from the export.

Totara Learn only. 


Decide whether to export requests for new courses and/or preferences.

Totara Learn only. 


You can include enrolment data in the export, such as course enrolments, pending enrolments and/or PayPal transaction information.

Totara Learn only. 

Event monitor

Tick this option to include user subscriptions to monitored events in the export.



Choose whether to include evidence items either created by the user or created by others.


Goal hierarchies

Select whether to include visible or hidden personal goals, and/or visible or hidden company goals.
This export can be affected by the user's capabilities in Totara. To export goals regardless of a user's capability, select both the visible and hidden settings for the desired goal type (personal or company). 

Totara Perform only. 

Grade reports

You can choose to include grade report preferences for the Grader report and/or User report

Totara Learn only. 


Decide whether to include grades. 

Totara Learn only. 

Learning plans

Choose whether to export learning plans.

Totara Learn only. 

Legacy 360° Feedback

You can choose to include 360 feedback about the user (any 360 feedback the user has been assigned to, and any responses users have made to their requests, including their own self evaluation) and/or user responses to 360 feedback requests (the user's response to any 360 feedback requests they have received, including their responses to requests derived from feedback they’ve been assigned to (self evaluation)).

Totara Perform only. 

Legacy appraisals

Decide whether to export legacy appraisals where the exported user is the Learner (either including or excluding hidden answers from other roles). You can also choose to include participation in other users' appraisals and/or participation history.

Totara Perform only. 


Choose whether to include bookmarks and shares from the library. 

Totara Learn only. 


You can choose to export the legacy and/ or standard logs. 


Marking guide

Decide if you want to export marking guide preferences. 

Totara Learn only. 


Choose which messaging elements to include, such as sent messages, received messages, contacts, notifications and preferences.


OAuth 2

You can decide to include the username and/or email.


Performance activities

Select which of the following you want to include:

  • Responses in performance activities about the user that are hidden from them: Responses on all the user's subject instances that they are not permitted to see via the interface, because they are from a section where they are neither a respondent with permission to view others' responses, nor a view-only participant.
  • Responses in performance activities about the user that are visible to them: Responses on all the user's subject instances that they are permitted to see via the interface, because they are from a section where they are either a respondent with permission to view others' responses, or a view-only participant. This includes the user's own responses, which are always visible to themselves.
  • User's responses: All responses by a user about themselves and about others.

Totara Perform only. 


Choose whether to include playlists.

Totara Learn only. 

Program management

Decide if you want to include program assignments and completion.

Totara Learn only. 

Question bank

You can include question bank preferences.

Totara Learn only. 


Choose which reactions to include, such as likes.

Totara Learn only. 

Report builder

You can decide if you want to include saved searches (private and/or public), as well as scheduled reports.



Choose to export repository preferences. 


Self-registration with approval

Choose which self-registration with approval elements to export, such as approval requests and preferences. 


Site policies

Decide whether to export user consents on current and/or archived site policies. 



Choose to export surveys and/or survey votes. 

Totara Learn only. 

Totara audiences

Choose whether to export dynamic and/or set audiences membership. 


Totara comment

Decide whether to export comments and/or replies. 

Totara Learn only.

Totara core

Select whether to export a range of core features, such as external tokens, portfolios and quick-access menu user preferences. 


Totara dashboards

Tick the box to include customised dashboards in the export. When exporting, this will include the name and ID of all the dashboards the user has customised.


Totara job assignments

Choose whether to export job assignments (all Totara products) and/or assignments as an appraiser (Totara Perform only).

Some Totara Perform-specific options.

User tours

Decide whether to include user tour preferences by ticking (or unticking) the check box.



Choose whether to include discussions, member requests, and/or workspaces in the export by ticking the corresponding check boxes. 

Totara Learn only. 

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to Creating users in Totara. Here you can learn more on how to add users, manage their data, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us at documentation@totara.com. Alternatively, book a call to have a chat about your Totara platform with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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