Grade history report
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 1 minute to read

Grade history report

Article summary

The grade history report allows you to view a detailed list of all grade actions taken within a course for either a specific learner, grade item, or taken by a particular trainer. 

Using the grade history report

The report can be accessed by clicking on Grades > Grade history in the Administration block on the course page. You can also select Grade history from the dropdown menu when viewing any other grade report on a course. 

You can then set a number of parameter by which to generate the report, these include:

  • Select users: If you want to only see information for selected learners
  • Grade item: Shows only information on a particular grade item
  • Grader: Displays only grade actions taken by a particular trainer
  • Date from/date to: To only show data from a particular date range
  • Revised grades only: Displays only grade which have been changed

To generate a report:

  1. Go to Grades > Grade history in the Administration block.
  2. Set your desired parameters.
  3. Click Submit

Grade history report settings.


Once you have generated a report you can export the results as one of the following formats:

  • Comma separated values (.csv)
  • Excel spreadsheet (.xls)
  • HTML table
  • Javascript Object Notation (.json)
  • OpenDocument (.ods)

Exporting could be useful if you wish to use or store the data offline as well as for sharing with others. 

Filtering results

Each of the columns in the results table can be hidden (Hide a column using the minus icon.) and shown (Show a column using the plus icon.) to help you see the information you want.

Clicking on a column title will sort the data by ascending (Sort by ascending order.) or descending (Sort by descending order. ) order. To remove any sorting and return the table to the default view click Reset table preferences located to the top right of the table. 

Using reset table preferences to remove any filtering.

Administration settings

As a Site Administrator you can customise how long the grade history is kept for by setting the Grade history lifetime by going to Quick-access menu > Server > Cleanup. See the Server page for more information. 

Under Quick-access menu > Grades > Report settings > Grade history you can configure the History entries per page setting, which controls how many records are shown on a single page of the report.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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