Grade outcome settings
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Grade outcome settings

Article summary

Outcome settings

When setting up grade outcomes you can configure the following settings.


Full name

The name of the outcome.


Short name

A shortname, this is not displayed. 


Standard outcome

A standard outcome is one that is available across the site. 

This is selected by default when creating at a site-level and cannot be changed. 


Select a grade scale to use with the outcome. Clicking the Add new scale link will take you to a new screen to create a grade scale



Optionally you can add a description of the outcome. 


Grade outcome item settings

When editing individual outcome items you can configure the following settings.


Item name

The name of the custom grade calculate outcome item. 


Item info

This setting provides space for entering information about the item. The information is not displayed anywhere else.


ID number

Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes.



Use the dropdown menu to select another outcome to associate with this grade outcome item. 


Linked activity

Use the dropdown menu to select an activity from the course to link to this outcome. You can also use the Assign another outcome to this course link to make other outcomes available. 



Determines whether grades are hidden from learners. 


Hidden until

If the item has been set to hidden then a hidden until date may be set if desired, to release grades after grading is completed.



Determines whether grades are locked. Locked grades can no longer be automatically updated by the related activity.


Lock after

If you wish to lock the item at a later date then you can set when you wish the grades to be locked. 


Grade category

The name of the parent category this item sits in. This cannot be edited here as it is tied to where the grade item activity sits. 


Import settings

When importing grade outcomes you can configure the following settings.


Import as custom outcomes (only this course)

If selected the imported outcomes will only be available on this course. 


Import as standard outcomes

If selected the imported outcomes will be available across the site. 


Import outcomes

This is where you should upload your outcomes file by either browsing for it or dragging and dropping it into the upload area. 


The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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