Grade overview report
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Grade overview report

Article summary

The grade overview report shows course totals for a chosen learner across all courses they are enrolled on. This can be useful for comparing performance across all courses or just to get an overview of progress and performance. 

Trainer view

As a Trainer you can view an overview report of a learner's course total grades across all of the courses they are enrolled on, including those you are not involved with. This can be helpful for reviewing their overall progress or seeing if their level of performance on your course correlated to how they are performing on other courses. 

From the user menu

When accessing grades from the user menu as a Trainer, Editing Trainer, or Site Administrator will see a grade overview report for any courses they are enrolled in as a Learner (as detailed below) as well as a list of courses they are teaching on. 

  1. On the far right of the top menu bar click on your name to expand the user menu. 
  2. From the user menu select Grades

You will then see a list of Courses I am teaching. Each course is a link to that course's grader report

From a course

  1. From the course select Grades in the Course administration block. 
  2. Select Overview report from either the dropdown menu at the top of the page, or the Administration block. 
  3. Use the Select a user dropdown to choose a user for whom you wish to see a grade overview. 

This will then show you a breakdown of that learner's overall grades from every course they are taking, even ones you are not training on. 

The trainer view of the grade overview report for a particular user as accessed via a course.

Learner view

As a learner you can use the grade overview report to see a summary of your course total grades from all of the courses you are enrolled on. 

From the user menu

To see your grade overview report, follow these steps:

  1. On the far right of the top menu bar, click on your name to expand the user menu. 
  2. From the user menu select Grades

You will then see a list of Courses I am taking. Each course is also a link to a more detailed grade report for that Learner on that course. 

A learner view of the grade overview report.

From a course

  1. From the course, select Grades in the Course administration block. 
  2. Select Overview report from either the dropdown menu at the top of the page, or the Administration block. 

This will then show you a breakdown of your overall grades from every course you are taking.

Administration configuration

As a Site Administrator there are certain things you can customise around the grade overview report. These include how the report is accessed and what it displays. 

Theme settings

From the theme settings you can configure the content of the User menu to determine if the grade link is included, or point it to another source. 

Read more on the Theme settings page. 

Grade settings

By editing the general grade settings for the site you can choose to have the Grade link in the user menu point to an external source rather than the grade overview report, using the User menu grades link setting. See the Grade general settings page for more information. 

By going to Grades > Report settings > Overview report from the quick-access menu you can configure the following settings. Remember to click Save changes once you have adjusted these settings.


Show rank

Decide if you want to show the position of the learner in relation to the rest of the cohort for each grade item.


Hide totals if they contain hidden items

This setting specifies whether totals which contain hidden grade items are shown to learners or replaced with a hyphen (-). If shown, the total may be calculated either excluding or including hidden items.

If hidden items are excluded, the total will be different to the total seen by the Trainer in the grader report, since the trainer always sees totals calculated from all items, hidden or unhidden.

If hidden items are included, learners may be able to calculate the hidden items.


The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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