Grader report
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 6 minutes to read

Grader report

Article summary

The grader report allows you to view and edit all grades for all learners within a course.

Viewing the report

The grader report can be accessed by clicking on the Grades link in the Administration block on any course. 

You will then see a table with a horizontal scroll bar that allows you to see all grades for all learners on that course. Learners can also access this report in the same way, however they will only see their own grades, not those of anyone else. 


There are a number of ways you can filter grades:

  • By learner name: Use the letters above the table to filter by first and/or last initial
  • By score: Use the arrows alongside each grade item to filter that item by score (ascending or descending)

You can also use the grader report to access the:

  • Single view report: Click the pencil icon (Icon

Description automatically generated) for either a grade item or user
  • User report: Click the spreadsheet icon () next to a user

You can also show or hide grade categories using icons alongside a grade category in the table.

  • Aggregate view: Click the minus icon (Show aggregated totals icon is a minus symbol.) to show aggregated category and course totals only
  • Grade item view: Click the plus icon (Show grade items icon is a plus symbol.) to show grade items only
  • Full view: Click the arrow pointing diagonally upwards (Full view icon is an arrow pointing diagonally upwards.) to show the full table (grade items and category/course totals)

In the example below the main category has been hidden so you only see the course total. 

Grade report example with only aggregated category and course total showing.

If a grade has been overridden in the grader report then it will appear highlighted in yellow. 

Editing the report

If you click Turn editing on then you can make some changes to grades using the grader report. 

  • Grade item: Click the cog icon (Cog icon to edit grade item or category in the grader report.) underneath a grade item to edit it
  • Category: Click the cog icon (Cog icon to edit grade item or category in the grader report.) alongside a category will to edit it
  • Calculation: Click the calculator icon underneath a manual grade item, category, or the course total to add () or edit () the grade calculation 

Edit individual grade 

By clicking the cog icon (Cog icon alongside a grade allows you to edit that individual grade) in front of an individual grade allows you to edit just that grade.

You can configure the following settings for each individual grade. Remember to click Save changes on both the grade and the grader report when you are done. 



The name of the user whose grade you are editing. Links through to their user profile. 

Cannot be edited here.

Item name

The name of the grade item for which you are editing the grade. Links through to that grade item (if connected to an activity or resource). 

Cannot be edited here.


If ticked, the grade can no longer be changed from within the related activity. When a grade is edited in the grader report, the overridden checkbox is ticked automatically. However it may be un-ticked to allow the grade to be changed via the related activity.


Final grade

Here you can enter in a new grade if you wish to make any adjustments. 



If ticked, the grade will not be included in any aggregation.



If ticked, grades are hidden from learners.


Hidden until

If a grade has been hidden in the previous setting then you can set a date for when the grade will be revealed to the learner.



If ticked, grades can no longer be automatically updated by the related activity.


Look after

If a grade is locked you can set a date at which this lock will be applied. 



Add any additional comments about the grade you might have.


Site administration settings

As a Site Administrator you can configure certain behaviours for the grader report across the site.

  1. Navigate to Quick-access menu > Grades > Report settings > Grader report.
  2. Configure the settings as desired.
  3. Click Save changes when you are done. 

Learners per page

This setting determines the number of learners displayed per page in the grader report.


Show only active enrolments

This setting determines, if only active enrolled users will be visible in gradebook report. If enabled suspended users will not be shown in gradebook.


Quick grading

If enabled, when editing is turned on, a text input box appears for each grade, allowing many grades to be edited at the same time. Changes are saved and highlighted when the update button is clicked.

Note that when a grade is edited in the grader report, an overridden flag is set, meaning that the grade can no longer be changed from within the related activity.

Quick feedback

If enabled, when editing is turned on, a feedback text input box with a dotted border appears for each grade, allowing the feedback for many grades to be edited at the same time. Changes are saved and highlighted when the update button is clicked.

When feedback is edited in the grader report, an overridden flag is set, meaning that the feedback can no longer be changed from within the related activity.

Grades selected for column averages

This setting determines whether cells with no grade should be included when calculating the average (mean) for each category or grade item.


Enable AJAX

Adds a layer of AJAX functionality to the grader report, simplifying and speeding up common operations. Depends on Javascript being switched on at the user's browser level.


Show calculations

If enabled, when editing, a calculator icon () is shown for each grade item and category with a visual indicator that a grade item is calculated.


Show show/hide icons

If enabled, when editing is turned on, a show/hide icon is shown for each grade for controlling its visibility to the learner.


Show column averages

If enabled, the grader report will contain an additional row displaying the average (mean) for each category and grade item.


Show locks

If enabled, when editing is turned on, a lock/unlock icon is shown for each grade for controlling whether the grade can be automatically updated by the related activity.


Show ranges

If enabled, the grader report will contain an additional row displaying the range for each category and grade item.


Show grade analysis icon

Whether to show grade analysis icon by default. If the activity module supports it, the grade analysis icon links to a page with more detailed explanation of the grade and how it was obtained.


Show user profile images

Whether to show the user's profile image next to the name in the grader report.


Show activity icons

If enabled, activity icons are shown next to activity names.


Show number of grades in averages

If enabled, the number of grades used when calculating the average (mean) is displayed in brackets after each average.


Column averages display type

This setting determines whether the average (mean) is displayed as real grades, percentages or letters, or whether the display type for the category or grade item is used (inherit).


Range display type

This setting determines whether the range is displayed as real grades, percentages or letters, or whether the display type for the category or grade item is used (inherit).


Decimals in column averages

This setting determines the number of decimal points to display for each average or whether the overall decimal points setting for the category or grade item is used (inherit).


Decimals shown in ranges

This setting determines the number of decimal points to display for each range or whether the overall decimal points setting for the category or grade item is used (inherit).


The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Grading, completion, and certificates in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use these tools, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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