Graphical reporting advanced settings
  • 14 Aug 2024
  • 6 minutes to read

Graphical reporting advanced settings

Article summary

You can customise elements of a report graph's look and feel using the Advanced settings field, e.g.:

  • Change the graph and axis titles
  • Change the font size, colour, and style
  • Modify the legend position and style
Please note that a number of advanced graph customisations are not currently available with ChartJS.

As of Totara 13, the advanced settings field for Totara graphical reports is written in JSON format to specify custom settings that will work across all charting libraries. These settings are not specific to a charting library and will work when using both ChartJS and SVGGraph graphs.

Title settings



The title text to show on the graph.

Example: "Course Completion Report"


Where on the graph to display the title.

Allowed values: "top", "left", "bottom", "right"


Font to use for the title. Only works if the user has the font installed.

Example: "Times New Roman"


Size of the text in the title in pixels.

Example: 16


Text style to apply to the title.

Example: "bold"


Colour for title text in hexadecimal or RGB.

Example: "#f0f0f0"


Amount of space around the title text in pixels.

Example: 5


        "title": "Example Graph Title"


        "title": {
               "text": "Example Graph Title",
                "position": "top",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 16,
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "color": "#fff",
                "padding": 5

Legend settings



Determines whether the legend is displayed.

Example: true


Where on the graph to display the legend.

Allowed values: "top", "left", "bottom", "right"


Font to use for the legend items. Only works if the user has the font installed.

Example: "Times New Roman"


Size of the text in the legend in pixels.

Example: 16


Text style to apply to the legend.

Example: "bold"


Colour for legend text in hexadecimal or RGB.

Example: "#f0f0f0"


Amount of space around the legend text in pixels.

Example: 5


        "legend": {
                "display": true,
                "position": "left",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 16,
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "color": "fff",
                "padding": 5

Tooltip settings



Determines whether tooltips are displayed.

Example: true


The colour of the tooltip background.

Example: "#dad4da"


Font to use in tooltips. Only works if the user has the font installed.

Example: "Times New Roman"


Size of the text in the tooltip in pixels.

Example: 16


Text style to apply to the tooltip.

Example: "bold"


Colour for tooltip text in hexadecimal or RGB.

Example: "#f0f0f0"


The roundness of the edges of the tooltip (in pixels).

Example: 2


The colour of the tooltip border.

Example: "#0a7b92"


The thickness of the tooltip border (in pixels).

Example: 2


        "tooltips": {
                "display": true,
                "backgroundColor": "#ddd",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 16,
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "color": "#fff",
                "borderRadius": 5,
                "borderColor": "#0a7b92",
                "borderWidth": 3

Axis settings

Axis settings need to be applied to either the x or y axis. The settings available for each axis are identical.



Whether to show the line for this axis.

Example: true



Axis label for the graph.

These use the same settings as the graph title.



Settings to control the axis grid.


grid → display

Whether to show the lines for the axis grid.

Example: true


grid → color

Colour of the axis grid lines.

Example: "#0ff000"



This is the maximum value of either axis.

This value will depend on the values used on your axis, so it could be numerical or alphanumerical, e.g. if the x axis contained a list of months you could set the max to 'April' so that it would not show content past this value, if you wanted to restrict it to the current financial year for example. 

If you are using a text value as your maximum this must be a value with data associated to it. 

For example, if one of your axes is labelled with days of the week and your data includes the values Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, then you would not be able to use the setting "max":"Wednesday". This is because there is no Wednesday data in the graph. 

This does not apply for numerical values.


        "axis": {
               "x": {
                       "display": true,
                       "max": "April",
                       "title": {
                               "text": "Horizontal Axis Label",
                               "font": "Times New Roman",
                               "fontSize": 22,
                               "fontStyle": "bold",
                               "color": "#fff000",
                               "padding": 10

                       "grid": {
                               "display": true,
                               "color": "#fff000"

               "y": {
                       "display": true,
                       "title": {
                               "text": "Vertical Axis Label",
                               "font": "Times New Roman",
                               "fontSize": 22,
                               "fontStyle": "bold",
                               "color": "#f0f0ff",
                               "padding": 10

                       "grid": {
                               "display": true,
                               "color": "#3a4f3a"

Graph colour settings

You can specify graph colours using both ChartJS and SVGGraph.



Colours used for the main content of a graph (e.g. different bars on a bar chart). See examples below.


The default colours used for graph contents are shown here:

{"colors" : [

You can outline as many colours as you require in the following way:

{"colors": ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"]}

As of Totara 17.28 it is possible to specify colours to be associated with specific datasets using both ChartJS and SVGGraph.



Colours used for a specific named series or categories in the graph. These will persist while different filters are applied to the report.

For pie charts, the colours are applied per segment. For other charts, the colours are applied by data series.

  "categoryColors": {
    "item1": "#ff0000",
    "item2": "#00ff00"

You can outline as many named categories as you require this way. If any dataset does not match a named category, the regular colours above will be used instead.

If your chart supports multi-lang, you will need to define a colour for each translation.

Progress donut settings



Enable if the second column contains totals.


Enable if the first column contains percentages instead of count.


This setting allows you to assign colours to value ranges. Define an array of percentage values as boundaries for the next colour in the colour set.


Set the colour of the 'empty' part of the pie chart (i.e. total minus progress value).

Example 1

"colors" : ["red", "yellow", "green"],
"colorRanges": [20, 100],
"type" : {
  "progress": {
    "totalsSupplied": true,
    "percentageValues": true

Progress donuts based on the code example above.

Example 2

"colors" : ["red", "yellow", "green"],
"colorRanges": [20, 100],
"type" : {
    "progress": {
    "totalsSupplied": true,
    "percentageValues": false

Progress donuts based on the code example above.

Example 3

{"colors" : ["green"],
"type" : {
    "progress": {
    "totalsSupplied": true,
    "backgroundColor": "red"

Progress donuts based on the code example above.

Dataset settings



Determines whether or not the element is filled, such as the area under the line on an area chart.

Example: true


The dash style for the stroke of an element. The two numbers provided control the length of each dash and the length of each gap.

Example: [15, 5]


The stroke colour of the data element (e.g. point, line, bar).

Example: #CCFFCC


The stroke width for the element.

Example: 3


The fill colour of the data element (e.g. point, line, bar).

Example: #CCFFCC


The appearance of each point on a graph.

Example: circle

The settings listed above are just a selection of useful settings. You can find the full list of settings in the ChartJS documentation.

Note that these settings are only available in the ChartJS library, not SVG Graph.


    "data-settings": {
         "0": {
             "fill": true,
             "backgroundColor": "#CCFFCC"

A line graph based on the code example above.

Library-specific settings

If you want to write more advanced settings to take advantage of some of the extended capabilities of your charting library, you can use the "custom" settings field to pass settings directly to the library. These will not be cross-compatible.

Official documentation for SVGGraph

Official documentation for ChartJS

SVGGraph example

        "custom": {
              "legend_columns": 3,
              "legend_title_font_weight": "italic",
              "legend_draggable": false

ChartJS example

        "custom": {
               "axis": {
                       "scales": {
                               "yAxes": [{
                                       "gridLines": {
                                              "display": false

Full example

        "title": {
                "text": "Graph Title",
                "position": "top",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 22,
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "color": "#ea22a9",
                "padding": 10

        "legend": {
                "display": "true",
                "position": "top",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 16,
                "fontStyle": "italic",
                "color": "#ee22a9",
                "padding": 5

        "tooltips": {
                "display": true,
                "backgroundColor": "#eaeaea",
                "font": "Times New Roman",
                "fontSize": 16,
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "color": "#1f1f1f",
                "borderRadius": 5,
                "borderColor": "#ee22a9",
                "borderWidth": 1

        "axis": {
               "x": {
                       "display": false,
                       "title": {
                               "text": "Horizontal Axis",
                               "font": "Times New Roman",
                               "fontSize": 16,
                               "fontStyle": "italic",
                               "color": "#ea22a9",
                               "padding": 10
                               "max": "April",

                       "grid": {
                               "display": true,
                               "color": "#eaeaea"

               "y": {
                       "display": false,
                       "title": {
                               "text": "Vertical Axis",
                               "font": "Times New Roman",
                               "fontSize": 16,
                               "fontStyle": "italic",
                               "color": "#ea22a9",
                               "padding": 10

                       "grid": {
                               "display": true,
                               "color": "#eaeaea"

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