Lesson activity settings
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 7 minutes to read

Lesson activity settings

Article summary

When creating a lesson activity, there are settings you can configure to determine how the lesson works. These settings can be edited after the lesson is created.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).



This is the name of the lesson activity the learner will see on the course page.



The description of the lesson activity the learner will see on the course page.


Linked media

A media file may be uploaded for use in the lesson. A Click here to view link will then be displayed in a block called Linked media on each page of the lesson.


Progress bar

When set to Yes the progress bar will display how far through the lesson the learner is. The progress bar is most effective in a linear lesson.


Display ongoing score

If enabled, each page will display the learner's current points earned out of the total possible thus far.


Display menu

If enabled, a menu allowing users to navigate through the list of pages is displayed.


Minimum grade to display menu

This setting determines whether a learner must obtain a certain grade before viewing the lesson menu. This forces the learner to go through the entire lesson on their first attempt, then after obtaining the required grade they can use the menu for review.


Slide show

When set to Yes, this enables the display of the lesson to be as a slide show.


Maximum number of answers

This value determines the maximum number of answers the trainer can use. The default setting is four.


Use default feedback

When set to Yes when a response is not found for a particular question, the default response of 'That’s the correct answer' or 'That’s the wrong answer' will be used.


Link to next activity

Allows the trainer to include a link to any activity in the course at the end of the lesson.


Available from

Specify a date you want the lesson to be available from. 



Specify a deadline the lesson must be completed before. 

Time limit

This puts a time limit on the lesson. The timer will not evict the learner from the lesson when the time is up, however, a question answered after the time limit is not counted.


Password protected lesson

The learners will require a password to access the lesson.



Allows you to set the lesson password.


Allow learner review

When set to Yes this will allow learners to navigate back through the lesson and change their answers.


Provide option to try a question again

If enabled, when a question is answered incorrectly, the learner is given the option to try it again for no point credit, or continue with the lesson.


Maximum number of attempts

This value determines the maximum number of attempts a learner has in answering any question. If answered incorrectly repeatedly, when the maximum is reached, the next page of the lesson is displayed.


Action after correct answer

After answering a question correctly, there are three options for the following page:

  • Normal: Follow lesson path
  • Show an unseen page: Pages are shown in a random order with no page shown twice
  • Show an unanswered page: Pages are shown in a random order, with pages containing unanswered questions shown again


Number of pages to show

This is only applicable for lessons with pages shown in a random order. The default value is zero which means that all the pages are shown in a lesson.



Select the type of grading used for this activity. If scale is chosen, you can then choose the scale from the scale dropdown. If using point grading, you can then enter the maximum grade available for this activity.


Grade category

This setting controls the category in which this activity's grades are placed in the gradebook.


Grade to pass

This setting determines the minimum grade required to pass. The value is used in activity and course completion, and in the gradebook, where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades in red.


Practice lesson

A practice lesson will not show up in the grade book.


Custom scoring

This will allow you to put a numerical point value on each answer. Answers may have negative or positive values.


Retakes allowed

This determines whether the learners can take the lesson more than once, or once only.


Handling of re-takes

When learners are allowed to re-take the lesson this determines how the grade is calculated, as either a mean, or best tries.


Minimum number of questions

This setting specifies the minimum number of questions that will be used to calculate a grade for the activity.


Common module settings

See common module settings to learn more.


Activity completion

See activity completion to learn more.


Restrict access

See restricting access to learn more.

In addition to the standard activity completion conditions, the lesson also has Require end reached and Require time spent criteria.



See tags to learn more.


Plugin settings

If you go to Quick-access menu > Plugins > Activity modules > Lesson you can configure the site-wide settings. Ticking the Advanced box alongside any of the settings options allows you to hide that setting under advanced options in the Lesson. Users will still be able to access these options, they will just have to click the Show advanced link to do so.

Remember to click Save changes once you are finished.


Linked media

A media file may be uploaded for use in the lesson. A Click here to view link will then be displayed in a block called Linked media on each page of the lesson.


Popup window width

Sets the width of the popup displayed for a linked media file.


Popup window height

Sets the height of the popup displayed for a linked media file.


Show close button

Displays a close button as part of the popup generated for a linked media file.


Progress bar

If enabled, a bar is displayed at the bottom of lesson pages showing approximate percentage of completion.


Display ongoing score

If enabled, each page will display the learner's current points earned out of the total possible thus far.


Display menu

If enabled, a menu allowing users to navigate through the list of pages is displayed.


Minimum grade to display menu

This setting determines whether a learner must obtain a certain grade before viewing the lesson menu. This forces the learner to go through the entire lesson on their first attempt, then after obtaining the required grade they can use the menu for review.



If enabled, the lesson is displayed as a slideshow, with a fixed width and height.


Slideshow width

Sets the width of the slideshow if it is enabled.


Slideshow height

Sets the height of the slideshow if it is enabled.


Slideshow background colour

Background colour for the slideshow if it is enabled.


Maximum number of answers

This setting specifies the maximum number of answers that may be used in the lesson. If only true/false questions are used, it can be set to 2. The setting may be changed at any time, since it only affects what the trainer sees, not the data.


Use default feedback

If enabled, when a response is not found for a particular question, the default response of, 'That's the correct answer' or, 'That's the wrong answer' will be shown.


Link to next activity

This setting determines if there is a link to another activity on the course. Within a lesson activity you will have a list of all the available activities on that course to choose from and therefore it cannot be set at a site level, you can however decide whether it is hidden under advanced option at a site level.


Time limit

If a time limit is set, a warning is displayed at the beginning of the lesson and there is a countdown timer. If set to zero, then there is no time limit.



Whether a password is required in order to access the lesson.


Allow learner review

If enabled, learners can navigate through the lesson again from the start.


Provide option to try a question again

If enabled, when a question is answered incorrectly, the learner is given the option to try it again for no point credit, or continue with the lesson.


Maximum number of attempts

This setting specifies the maximum number of attempts allowed for each question. If answered incorrectly repeatedly, when the maximum is reached, the next page of the lesson is displayed.


Action after correct answer

Choose from:

  • Normal - follow lesson path
  • Show an unseen page
  • Show an unanswered page


Number of pages to show

This setting specifies the number of pages shown in a lesson. It is only applicable for lessons with pages shown in a random order (when Action after correct answer is set to Show an unseen page or Show an unanswered page). If set to zero, then all pages are shown.


Practice lesson

A practice lesson does not appear in the gradebook.


Custom scoring

If enabled, then each answer may be given a numerical point value (positive or negative).


Re-takes allowed

If enabled, learners can attempt the lesson more than once.


Handling of re-takes

If re-takes are allowed, this setting specifies whether the grade for the lesson is the mean or maximum of all attempts.


Minimum number of questions

This setting specifies the minimum number of questions that will be used to calculate a grade for the activity.


© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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