Participation reporting
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 4 minutes to read

Participation reporting

Article summary

When assigning performance activities to users on your site, it is important to know which users are completing which activities. There are two embedded reports which allow you to easily see which users have been assigned to an activity and the progress of any participants in each instance.

As with other reports in Totara (both embedded reports and in the report builder), you can create copies of these reports and modify them to suit your specific use cases.

These participation reports have hard-coded conditions to only show users who the current user is allowed to see. Global report restrictions do not override the hard-coded restrictions, meaning these restrictions are always applied. This ensures that no information is accidentally revealed, as data in Totara Perform can be highly sensitive. If the current user has the mod/perform:manage_all_participation capability in the system or tenant context, then they can see all users' participation. Otherwise they will only see the users for whom they have the mod/perform:manage_subject_user_participation capability. By default this capability is only given to the Staff Manager role, so managers will only have this capability for their direct reports.

If you experience performance issues with the participation reporting, you can instead assign the mod/perform:manage_staff_participation capability. You can assign this capability to the Authenticated User role to allow managers to report on their teams' performance activities.

Subject instance completion report

This report shows the status of the subject instances that have been created based on your performance activities.

Subject instances are individual copies of a performance activity which are created for each subject (the user meeting the activity's assignment criteria).

The report is available in the report builder list, or you can access a specific activity's subject instance completion report by clicking the participation reporting icon (Icon

Description automatically generated) on the Manage performance activities page.

If you access this report from the Manage performance activities page then the report will be automatically filtered to show only the instances for the selected activity.

You can search based on the subject's name, the name of the activity, or when the subject instance was created. Clicking the Show/hide columns button allows you to configure which columns are shown in the report.

Default columns


Subject's full name

The name of the activity's subject (e.g. the person being appraised). Click the subject's name to view their profile page.

The same subject can appear multiple times in this report if they have been assigned to more than one performance activity.

Performance activity name

The name of the performance activity.


Date subject instance created

The date the specific instance was created.


Participant count

The number of separate participant instances. For example, an activity with a subject and appraiser would have two instances. Clicking on the number of instances will take you to the Participant instance completion report.



This shows the current status of the activity instance:

  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Complete

This status shows the overall status of the activity, meaning if one participant (not just the subject) has started the activity the status will be set to In progress.

Activity type

There are three available activity types:

  • Appraisal
  • Check-in
  • Feedback



Shows whether the subject instance is available to complete. This column can be set to:

  • Open
  • Closed


Additional columns

You can also add the following columns by editing the report.



This column indicates whether the due date for the subject instance has passed without the activity being completed.


Due date

Displays the due date for the subject instance if a due date has been set.


Activity job title

Shows the job assignment for which the subject instance was created.

A subject may have multiple subject instances, for example if they need to complete an appraisal for several different job roles (with separate job assignments for each role). This column can help you to ensure that the participant is being reviewed for the correct role.

Activity job ID number

Displays the ID number for the job assignment associated with the subject instance.


Participant instance completion report

In addition to viewing the progress of a specific subject, it is also important to see which individual participants have started or completed an activity.

You can access this embedded report by clicking on the number of participants for an instance on the Subject instance completion report, or by selecting Reports from the top navigation bar, then Participant instance (Perform). This report displays information about all of the users who are participants in the selected performance activity.

Default columns


Participant's full name

The name of the participant. Click the name to view the user's profile page.


Performance activity name

The name of the performance activity.


Date subject instance created

The date the specific instance was created.


Subject of the activity

The name of the activity's subject.


Status of participant instance

This shows the current status of the specific participant's instance, meaning you can see at a glance which participants have started or completed the activity.

Once any of the displayed users has a status of In progress the overall status of the activity will be set to In progress. The activity will not be displayed as Complete until all participants shown here have completed the activity.


Shows whether the participant instance is available to complete. This column will display as either:

  • Open
  • Closed


Relationship in activity

Shows the participant's role in the subject instance, from the following options:

  • Subject
  • Manager
  • Appraiser


Additional columns

You can also add the following columns by editing the report.



Shows whether the subject instance due date has passed without the participant instance being completed.


Due date

Displays the due date for the subject instance if a due date has been set.


Activity job title

Shows the job assignment for which the subject instance was created.

A subject may have multiple subject instances, for example if they need to complete an appraisal for several different job roles (with separate job assignments for each role). This column can help you to ensure that the subject is being reviewed for the correct role.


Activity job ID number

Displays the ID number for the job assignment associated with the subject instance.


Relationship name

Displays the participant's relationship status for the subject instance.


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