Performance activity content and question types
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 4 minutes to read

Performance activity content and question types

Article summary

When setting up a performance activity, you can add the following content and question types.

Content / question type
Date pickerThis question type allows you to enter Question text to which a date answer can be provided. Respondents can answer by selecting a date from the date picker.-
Long textFor long text questions you can enter Question text, and participants can type a long text answer in response. You can make this question mandatory by checking the Response required box.-
Multiple choice: Single-select

This question type allows you to present a question with multiple Options (presented as radio buttons), from which participants can select a single option. Enter the question in the Question text field, then enter the answers. Add more options by clicking the plus icon (), or remove options by clicking the bin icon (). You can make this question mandatory by checking the Response required box.

This question type requires a minimum of two answers.
Multiple choice: Multi-select

This question type allows you to present a question with multiple options (presented as checkboxes), from which participants can select one or more options. Enter the question in the Question text field, then enter the options. Add more options by clicking the  plus icon (
), or remove options by clicking the bin icon ().  You can make this question mandatory by checking the Response required box.

Numeric ratingThis question type allows you to present a sliding numeric rating scale. You can set the number values at either end of the scale and select the default value.
Custom ratingThis question type allows you to present a rating scale as a series of radio buttons that the respondent can select from. You can enter the text to be displayed for each point on the scale and assign it a numeric value.

For example you might have a rating scale as follows:

  • Extremely poor (-2)
  • Poor (-1)
  • Average (0)
  • Good (1)
  • Very good (2)
Short textFor short text questions you can enter Question text, and participants can type a one-line answer in response. You can make this question mandatory by checking the Response required box.
Static contentThis content type allows you to add text to the activity with no interactive elements. You can add a Title (optional), then a larger amount of text in the Content field.
You can use Static content elements to provide additional context and help participants to understand different parts of the activity. For example, you might want to explain the purpose of each section.
Response redisplay    

This element allows you to display a question and responses from activities assigned to the subjects of this activity.

The latest response will be redisplayed.

To select a question to redisplay, you first need to select the Source activity, then choose the Source question element from that activity. If you select the current activity, you can use the Redisplay response from setting to select whether you want to redisplay a response from a previous section in the current activity instance, or from the previous instance of a repeating activity. The Source question element list will be updated based on your selection.

The responses displayed by the redisplay question will always reflect the responses of the source activity, thus, while the source subject instance is open the content being redisplayed may continue to change.

You cannot overwrite the previous answer(s) to the redisplayed question.

You will see a warning if there are any visibility conflicts (i.e. participants with access to the new activity cannot view the activity containing the redisplayed question).

The content is taken from the previous subject instances with the same job assignment. If the subject instance has no job assignment (or if a subject instance with the same job assignment is not found) then the most recent subject instance will be selected regardless of job assignment. 

Where the current activity is selected, responses from the most recent previous instance will be displayed. 

Where a repeating activity is selected, responses from the most recently created instance will be displayed.

Where both the current and redisplay source activity are job assignment specific, responses from the most recent subject instance matching the job assignment will be displayed.  

Where the current activity is set to one per user, but the source activity is job assignment specific, responses from the most recent instance (regardless of job assignment) will be displayed.

Response aggregation    

This element allows you to aggregate responses to the current question. You are able to aggregate numeric ratings.

The aggregation question allows you to count responses by participant and average responses by participant. The calculated data is available for reporting in the performance activity's response data.

You are able to calculate the average and the mean for numeric responses in the activity.
Review items

This element allows you to include content from other areas of Totara into a performance activity.

There are a few steps involved in setting up this question type, please see the review items documentation for more details. 

Currently, this works with competencies, goals, learning, and evidence.

Create personal goal

This allows users to create new goals as part of a performance activity. When adding this element you can add question text, e.g. ‘What is your new goal for the next quarter?’. When completing the performance activity, the subject can then create a new personal goal for themselves. Participants can then view, edit or delete the goal in the activity.
See Create a goal in a performance activity for more information.

Note that the Long text and Static content types both use the Weka editor, although social functions (e.g. hashtags or user mentions) are not enabled in performance activity content.

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