Performance overview
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Performance overview

Article summary

On the Performance overview page users can see a summary of the goals, competencies and performance activities assigned to them within a specified time period. You can change the time period for which performance items will be displayed using the Period dropdown. You can view all items for a given status by clicking the number next to the status (e.g. next to Not progressed in the screenshot below).

You can view your own Performance overview page by going to Develop > Performance overview. Managers can view the page for any of their direct reports by going to Develop > Team, then clicking Performance overview under a direct report's name.

The logged-in user's Performance overview page.


The Goals section displays the user's goals divided into the following statuses for the selected time period:

  • Achieved: Goals that the user has completed
  • Progressed: Goals that have changed status in the selected time period
  • Not progressed: Goals that were assigned before the selected time period, and have not changed status within the selected period
  • Not started: Goals that were assigned in the selected time period, but have not yet been started

For each goal you can see the date the goal was achieved, updated or assigned, and the goal's due date if it hasn't been completed.

The donut chart displays all goals by status.

Note that the Goals section will only display goals if you are using the Totara goals system, not Legacy goals. If you have Legacy goals enabled then the Goals section will not be displayed on this page.


The Competencies section displays the user's competencies divided into the following statuses for the selected time period:

  • Achieved proficiency: Competencies for which the user has achieved a proficient level
  • Progressed: Competencies that have changed status in the selected time period
  • Not progressed: Competencies that were assigned before the selected time period, and have not changed status within the selected period
  • Not started: Competencies that were assigned in the selected time period, but have not yet been started

For each competency you can see the date the goal was achieved, updated or assigned, the competency's current rating, and the relevant job assignment for which the competency was assigned.

The donut chart displays all competencies by status.

The following competencies are not included on the Performance overview page:

  • Any assigned competency where the competency assignment has not been updated in the last two years
  • Any assigned competency where the scale value is considered proficient and the scale value was updated outside of the currently selected time period

Performance activities

The Performance activities section displays the user's performance activities divided into the following statuses for the selected time period:

  • Completed: Performance activities that the subject (and other participants as required) have completed
  • Progressed: Performance activities that have changed status in the selected time period
  • Not progressed: Performance activities that were assigned before the selected time period, and have not changed status within the selected period
  • Not started: Performance activity instances that were created in the selected time period, but have not yet been started

For each performance activity you can see the date the activity was completed, updated or assigned, the performance activity's due date if it hasn't been completed, and the relevant job assignment for which the performance activity instance was created.

The donut chart displays all performance activities by status.

The following performance activities are not included on the Performance overview page:

  • Any activity instances where the user is not the subject (i.e. the user is a participant in another user's activity)
  • Any activity subject instances where the activity has not been updated in the last two years
  • Any activity instance where the overall status was marked as complete outside of the currently selected time period
  • Any activity where its overall status is incomplete and closed (manually closed or automatic closure on due date)

Require action

This section displays performance items that require the user's input. For example, when a performance activity requires the user to select participants or complete a section, it will appear here.

Recent updates

This section displays any recent changes to the user's goals, competencies and performance activities. Items will appear here when their status changes, when they become overdue, if their due date is approaching, or if they are completed.

You can click the name of an item to view it.

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