Program and certification due dates
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 6 minutes to read

Program and certification due dates

Article summary

Program due dates

Assignment due date

The due date for users enrolled in the program via any of the assignment types, must be set using a fixed completion date or using a time relative to one of the following events:

  • First login: Relative to the user's first time logging in to the system
  • Position assigned date: Relative to the time a position was assigned to any of the user's job assignments with the specified position
  • Job assignment start date: Relative to the start date field of any of the user's job assignments with the specified position
  • Program completion: Relative to the time another specified program was completed by the user
  • Course completion: Relative to the time a specified course was completed by the user
  • Profile field date: Relative to the value of a date/time custom field in the user's profile
  • Program enrolment date: Relative to the time a user was enrolled in this program

Setting completion criteria.

An Assignment due date will be assigned to other users as they join the group. The actual due date cannot be changed if the user has already completed the program. 

Users' actual due dates may differ from the assignment due date for various reasons, including:

  • If another assignment type includes the same user, the other assignment due date may override this one
  • If this assignment has a relative due date, which is not yet applicable to the user
  • A user may have been granted an extension by a manager
  • If an exception occurred and the Set realistic time allowance action was used to resolve it
  • This assignment due date may have changed, but the user still has the due date that was originally given to them
  • This is a certification, and the due date has automatically been set to the expiration date

Note that assignment due dates are recorded when the Save changes button is selected, but are not applied until the user assignments are updated. If a message indicating that user assignments have been deferred is displayed, then any user due date changes will not yet be applied.

Saving program assignments.

Once saved, a confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.

Confirmation of program assignment changes.

Actual due date

After using the Assignment due date option to assign a due date to the group of users and saving all changes, the Actual due date column will display a link to view the specific due date for all users enrolled in the program using the corresponding assignment type. 

Due dates for assigned users can be extended only.

If a fixed due date is set, the date change will be applied immediately. If a relative due date is set, the due date will be applied to the users as soon as it can be successfully determined.

For assigned users that have been given a time exception, the program due date is not updated.

Learning will be made available immediately to new users once their account has been registered.

Audience membership as well as audience-based enrolled learning will occur before new users first log into the platform.

For existing users, audience membership and enrolment when the program user assignment scheduled task is run.

Relative and set completion dates for program assignments.

Certification due dates

Assignment due date

The due date for users enrolled in the certification via any of the assignment types must be set using a fixed completion date or using a time relative to one of the following events:

  • First login: Relative to the user's first login on the system
  • Position assigned date: Relative to the time a position was assigned to any of the user's job assignments with the specified position
  • Job assignment start date: Relative to the start date field of any of the user's job assignments with the specified position
  • Program completion: Relative to the time another specified program was completed by the user
  • Course completion: Relative to the time a specified course was completed by the user
  • Profile field date: Relative to the value of a date/time custom field in the user's profile
  • Program enrolment date: Relative to the time a user was enrolled in this certification

Completion date for certifications.An Assignment due date will be assigned to other users as they join the group. The actual due date cannot be changed if the user has already completed the certification. 

Users' actual due dates may differ from the assignment due date for various reasons, including:

  • If another assignment type includes the same user, the other assignment due date may override this one
  • If this assignment has a relative due date, which is not yet applicable to the user
  • A user may have been granted an extension by a manager
  • If an exception occurred and the Set realistic time allowance action was used to resolve it
  • This assignment due date may have changed, but the user still has the due date that was originally given to them
  • This is a certification, and the due date has automatically been set to the expiration date

Note that assignment due dates are recorded when after the Save changes button is selected, but are not applied until the user assignments are updated. If a message indicating that user assignments have been deferred is displayed, then any user due date changes will not yet be applied.

Prior to saving changes, it is important that consideration is given to assigning a completion date relative to a user's due date.

Learning will be made available immediately to new users once they've self-registered.

Audience membership as well as audience-based enrolled learning (i.e. course enrolment and certification/program assignment) will occur before new users first log in to the platform.

For existing users, audience membership and enrolment when the certification user assignment scheduled task is run. 

Once saved, a confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.

Confirmation of certification assignments.

Actual due date

After using the Assignment due date option to assign a due date to the group of users and saving all changes, the Actual due date column will display a link to view the specific due date for all users enrolled in the certification using the corresponding assignment type. 

Due dates for assigned users can been extended only.

If a fixed due date is set, the date change will be applied immediately. If a relative due date is set, the due date will be applied to the users as soon as it can be successfully determined.

For assigned users that have been given a time exception, the certification due date is not updated.

Relative and set completion dates for program assignments.

Program and certification due date notifications

Program and certification due date notifications are handled by the centralised notifications system. You can configure notifications for the Program due date and Certification due date triggers at the site level (Quick-access menu > Notifications) or for an individual program or certification

Notifications are sent when the Send non-immediate scheduled notifications (process_scheduled_event_task) scheduled task (Quick-access menu > Server > Scheduled tasks) runs. In a default Totara installation process_scheduled_event_task is scheduled to run once every 24 hours.

For more information on how scheduled notifications work, see Understanding and testing scheduled notifications.


Program due: Thursday 1800 (6pm)

Program due date notification: Set for 2 days before

Send non-immediate scheduled notifications (process_scheduled_event_task)2100 (9pm) daily

A diagram demonstrating the example outlined in this section.Totara calculates when to send the notification as illustrated in the diagram above: 

  • process_scheduled_event_task runs at 9pm on Tuesday
  • The notification offset (2 days) is added to the last process_scheduled_event_task run time (2100 Monday) and the current process_scheduled_event_task run time (2100 Tuesday)
  • The period bound by these two times is shown in green
  • If the due date/time falls within the green boundary then the notification is dispatched

It is also important to note the following points:

  • The next time process_scheduled_event_task runs, the time period immediately following the current one (9pm Thursday to 9pm Friday) is processed.
  • If the frequency of process_scheduled_event_task is changed then the time period will also change. 
  • If process_scheduled_event_task is run more frequently (e.g. twice a day) the notification will be received at a time closer to the actual offset (2 days in this case). In this example the notification is sent with less than 2 days to go until the due date.
  • Due date notifications will not be sent if they are configured after the offset has passed. For example, if a due date notification for 3 days before is set up at 12pm on Tuesday, this would not be triggered as it is less than 3 days before the due date. This is important to note when testing notifications. The system does not catch up on unsent notifications.
  • Due date notifications can also be triggered for programs and certifications due in the past, i.e. overdue program/certification notifications. The same logic applies to determine when the notification will be sent.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Programs and certifications in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use programs and certifications, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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