Program course set settings
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Program course set settings

Article summary

When adding a course set to a program you can configure the following settings.


Set name

To provide a title or short description for the set, enter a Set name.

Set names are designed to aid the learner's understanding of the learning path. For example the first set of courses could be called 'Phase One - Induction' and the second set of courses 'Phase Two - Health & Safety'.

Learner must complete

Choose from:

  • One course: Only one course in the set needs to be completed
  • All courses: Every course in the set must be completed
  • Some courses: Choose a number of courses that must be completed (but not all courses)
  • All courses are optional: The user does not have to complete any courses as all are optional

If Some courses is selected, additional fields to set the completion criteria will become editable. These fields are the Minimum courses completed, Course score field and the Minimum score.

These fields are all locked when selecting All courses or One course as the completion of the selected courses will be the completion criteria. 

Minimum courses completed 

The minimum number of courses within this course set the assignees must complete for this course set to be considered complete.


Course score field

Specify a course custom field which is used to allocate a score to each course in the set. This is used in conjunction with Minimum score to determine the course set's completion criteria. The selected field must have a numeric value.

To create a custom course field, go to Quick-access menu > Courses and categories > Custom fields.

Regular expression validation can be added to the text input course custom field to ensure correct validation when the field is used for certification course scores.

Minimum score

A minimum score that must be reached for the course set to be marked as complete. The score is calculated by summing the values from the Course score field for all the courses a user has completed.

The selected Course score field must contain a whole number (e.g. 1, 10, 15, etc).

For example, a 'Credits' custom field could be added to all courses so that a course set will be marked as complete once a certain number of credits have been achieved.

Minimum time required

This value indicates a minimum amount of time that a user might realistically need to be able to complete the course set. It is used to determine if the completion period set on the assignments tab is realistic for a particular group of users. If the assignment is not realistic, a time allowance exception will be generated and the user will not be assigned to the program until the exception has been resolved.

For example, consider a program consisting of a single course set with a minimum time required of 10 days. If a user was assigned with completion criteria that required them to complete it in less than 10 days, then it would raise an exception report for that user.

When using completion criteria relative to a user, it is possible for some users to generate exceptions but not others. For example, when using the days since first login criteria, each user would have their own deadline that may or may not be realistic.

When multiple course sets exist in a program the overall minimum time required for the program is calculated based on the worst-case scenario taking into account the course set logic. For example if a program consists of:

Course set1 [10 days] THEN Course set2 [5 days] OR Course set3 [7 days]

then the overall time allowance would be 17 days.

This minimum time value is also used to determine when the 'Course set due message' and 'Course set overdue message' should be sent.

This setting does not prevent the user from completing the course set or program earlier than the minimum time specified. It is used to generate exceptions when a completion date set in the Assignments tab is insufficient and is used to automatically set a sufficiently generous due date when resolving time allowance exceptions using the Set realistic time allowance action.

Setting this does not mean the user only has a certain amount of time to complete a course set, nor does it set or affect the program due date.

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