Program details
  • 04 Sep 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Program details

Article summary

When creating a new program, or editing an existing one, you can configure the program details.

The Details section includes basic information about the program and core settings for display and availability.



Select which course category the program should sit under.

The category selected has no impact on which courses can be selected within the program and is for site organisation and navigation purposes only.

Full name

The name or title of the program.

This will be displayed in the program overview area and within the catalogue.

Short name

The short or abbreviated name of the program. The display of a program short name is limited across the site.

The short name must be unique.


An optional field to provide a program ID number.

A program ID can be used to match external systems for data exchange purposes.

Available from

Set a date from which the program is available to learners. 

If Available from and Available until dates are set, learners will be able to find and enter the program during the period specified by the dates but will be prevented from accessing the program outside of those dates.

Available until

Set a date until which the program is available to learners.
After the date specified, the program will not appear on any program listings or be accessible, except to administrators.

Messages and notifications regarding the program may still be sent after this date if, for example, you have a Due date set after the Available until date.


The summary or program description text is displayed in the search program page and when a learner is viewing the details of the program.

This text can also be used within the catalogue.

Summary files

The summary file is displayed in the list of programs.

Summary files might include program descriptors or relevant images files relating to the program.


The program endnote displays when the learner has completed the program.



Select which group of users can see the program in the catalogue and within any list of program. Choose from:

  • All users
  • No users
  • Enrolled users only, or
  • Enrolled users and members of the selected audience(s)

Please see audiences for more information on creating audiences.

Audience-based visibility must be enabled via Configure features for this option to to display.

Current icon

Choose a program icon from the available list. Icons can be displayed within program lists and within the Course Catalogue.

Add new icons via Courses > Custom icons in the courses block.

Graphic files will be resized to 35 x 35 pixels automatically.


Choose an image to associate with the program.

This image will become the background image if this program is added as a program tile in a Featured links block and within the catalogue.


Associate tags to the program.

Tags can be added as filters or search terms within the catalogue.

Allow extension requests

When enabled users can submit extension requests for this program, which can then be approved or denied by their manager.

Program extension requests need to be enabled on the Configure features page to be able to allow or disallow program extension requests for a program.

Custom fields

Any custom fields that have been added to the site for programs will be displayed here.

Program custom fields can be added via Quick-access menu > Programs > Custom fields.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Programs and certifications in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use programs and certifications, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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