Progress bar
  • 02 Sep 2024
  • 6 minutes to read

Progress bar

Article summary

You will notice a progress bar in many places:

An example of progress bars for three courses.

How is progress calculated?


Course progress is calculated based on any specific course completion requirements. If completion is tracked on the course but no course completion criteria is specified, progress will be shown as No criteria. If completion is not tracked on the course, progress is shown as Not tracked.

In order for course progress to be calculated, the course creator must define course completion criteria. They have to specify Completion requirements as well as one or more conditions that must be met. Completion requirements indicate whether ALL or ANY conditions must be met.

The following conditions may require multiple items to be completed. For these, the course creator can again indicate whether ALL or ANY of the items must be completed for the condition to be met:

  • Activity completion
  • Completion of other courses
  • Manual completion by others

Progress calculation

The system first calculates the progress on each specified condition (activity completion, date, days left, etc.) before aggregating the condition progress into the course progress.

For conditions with multiple items:

  • If ALL items must be completed: Progress is the average of the individual items. For example, if the user must complete three activities, and two have already been completed, condition progress is 2/3 = 67%. If the user must complete two other courses and progress of course 1 is 30% and course 2 is 60%, progress for the completion condition is (0.3 + 0.6) / 2 = 45%. 
  • If ANY item must be completed: Condition progress is the progress of the most complete item. For example, if the user must complete any of three activities and two have already been completed, condition progress = 100%. If the user must complete two other course and progress of course 1 is 30% and course 2 is 60%, progress for the completion condition is 60%.

For other conditions the progress is either 0% or 100% depending on whether the condition is met or not.

Once the progress for all specified conditions has been calculated, the system uses the Completion requirements value to determine how to calculate overall course progress. The same ALL or ANY calculation is again applied:

  • If ALL conditions must be met, the overall course progress is the average progress of the specified conditions
  • If ANY condition must be met, the overall course progress it the maximum progress of the specified conditions

Programs and certifications

Programs and certifications define the courses to be completed as well as potentially the order in which a user must complete the courses in order to complete the program/certification. This is done through the concept of course sets. A course set groups one or more courses to be completed as well as the completion criteria for the set (e.g. the user must complete course 1 AND course 2 AND course 3). The program/certification creator also indicates how a user should progress through the sets. For example, if the user must complete courses in set 1 OR all courses in set 2 THEN all courses in set 3. In this case courses in set 3 will not be available to the user before they have either completed the courses in set 1 or set 2.

When a certification is manually marked as complete the progress bar will still show as 0% rather than 100%.

Course set progress calculation

The system first calculates the progress of each set, before aggregating the program/certification progress. If there is only one course set in the program/certification, this value will also be the overall progress. Course set progress is calculated differently depending on the criteria for completing the set:

  • User must complete one course to complete the set:
    => set progress is the progress of the course with the most progress (e.g. if completion of course 1 is 50% and course 2 is 75%, the set progress is 75%).
  • User must complete all courses to complete the set:
    => set progress is the average of the progress of all the courses in the set (e.g. Complete all of course 1 (50%), course 2 (75%), Set progress = (0.5 + 0.75)/2 = 62.5%).
  • All courses are optional:
     => set progress = 100% regardless of the progress of any course in the set.
  • User must complete some courses:

    The definition and calculation of progress is more complex as the creator can specify one or both of the following:
      • Minimum courses => Set progress is the average of the N most complete courses where N is the number of courses that must be completed. (E.g. complete at least three of the following courses: course 1 (0%), course 2 (5%), course 3 (50%), course 4 (75%), course 5 (100%). Set progress is (0.5 + 0.75 + 1) / 3 = 75%).
      • Minimum score => First calculate the score already achieved by adding the scores of all completed courses (already achieved). If not enough, calculate the weighted progress of the remaining (uncompleted) courses towards obtaining the outstanding score and use the N most completed that will provide the outstanding score.

        Convert the average of these N to points (in progress).
        Combine the already achieved score with in progress score to obtain overall progress.
        E.g. Complete some courses to reach 75 points from: course 1 (0%, 10pts), course 2 (50%, 5pts), course 3 (75%, 20pts), course 4 (15%, 50pts), course 5 (100%, 40pts).
        Already achieved = 40pts (from Course 5 that is completed), outstanding = 35pts.
        Weighted progress towards obtaining the outstanding points:
        Course 1 : 0 * 10/35 = 0
        Course 2 : 0.5 * 5/35 = 0.07
        Course 3: 0.75 * 20/35 = 0.42
        Course 4 : 0.15 * 35/35 = 0.15 (50pts is more than the required 35, so would fill whole requirement).
        Sorted by weighted progress = course 3, course 4, course 2, course 1.
        Use the first N scores in the sorted weighted progress that will give the outstanding score if completed = 2 (course 3 gives 20 points and course 4 gives 50 points) which gives us ((0.42 + 0.15) / 2) * 35pts = 9.97 pts.
        Thus set progress in points = (40 + 9.97) / 75 = 66%.

If both the minimum courses and minimum score is required, overall progress is the minimum of the two.

Overall progress calculation (multiple course sets)

Note that for programs and certifications with multiple course sets, the progress bar won't precisely represent each learner's progress, due to the many possible combinations of AND/THEN/OR logic. Instead, the progress bar is broadly representative of how far a user is through the program or certification, and may not reflect the effort or time required to complete it.

Once course set progress is calculated, the overall program or certification progress is calculated based on the progress of each progress item. Course sets and their content are calculated as progress items in the following ways:

  • Optional course sets do not count towards progress completion
  • Course sets requiring users to complete a specific number of courses are considered a single progress item, regardless of the number of courses in the course set
  • Course sets requiring users to complete all courses in the set consider each course to be a single progress item

The weighting of each progress item is calculated by dividing 100% by the number of progress items in the program/certification. For example, consider an example program with two course sets:

  • Set one, containing three courses, requiring two courses to be completed. This counts as one progress item.
  • Set two, containing three courses, requiring all courses to be completed. Each course counts as a progress item, meaning the set comprises three progress items.

As there are four progress items in total, set one makes up 25% of the program, while set two makes up 75% (3 x 25%). Therefore each course in set one is worth 12.5% of the overall program (25%/2).

Progress reports

All progress reports provide at least two progress columns:

  • Progress
  • Progress (% complete)

When the report is viewed the outputs of these columns are exactly the same. When exported the Progress (% complete) column appends the text '% complete' to the exported progress value.

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