Quiz capabilities
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Quiz capabilities

Article summary

The quiz module has highly granular capabilities, allowing Site Administrators and Course Creators to customise the experience of Trainers, Editing Trainers and Learners across the site, within a certain course, or even for a specific quiz.

For more information on creating and assigning access rights and overriding permissions please see Edit a role.


Attempt quizzes

Allows a user to attempt the quiz and for a record of this attempt to be stored within the gradebook.

Course Creators can Preview a quiz to reproduce the attempt process.

Delete quiz attempts

Allows a user to delete both their own and other users’ quiz attempts.

The questions within a quiz cannot be modified in any way if there are attempts recorded against the quiz. A Site Administrator or Course Creator must delete all attempts before changing the quiz.

Get a confirmation message when submitting

Users will receive an onscreen confirmation message when they submit a quiz attempt.

By default this capability is not assigned to any roles.

Get a notification message when an attempt is submitted

Users will receive a notification message within the system when a Learner has submitted a quiz attempt.

By default this capability is not assigned to any roles.

Get a notification message when an attempt becomes overdue and needs to be submitted

Users will receive a notification message if they have not completed a quiz with a specified close date.

By default this capability is not assigned to any roles.

Grade quizzes manually

Allows a user to edit the scores on a quiz and manually grade quiz essay questions within the course gradebook.

Please see Grading for more information.

Ignores time limit on quizzes

A user with this capability can take as long as they want to complete a quiz, even if a time limit has been set.

By default this capability is not assigned to any roles. 

This capability can be assigned to users who require additional time to read and complete quizzes.

Manage quizzes

Allows a user to edit and delete quizzes including all questions within the quiz.


Manage quiz overrides

Users with this capability can override the default capabilities and permissions for the quiz.


Preview quizzes

Allows a user to preview the quiz as part of the editing and testing process.

Users completing a quiz in Preview mode will not have their results recorded as an attempt.

Regrade quiz attempts

Users with this capability will be able to recalculate a user's (or all users) quiz grades for each of their attempts.

Occasionally quiz responses and resulting grades may need to be adjusted, due to a change in the overall quiz grade or from an error or ambiguity in a question.

Review your own attempts

Allows a user to review the questions and their own responses to questions within a quiz.

By default this capability is only assigned to Learners.

View quiz information

Allows a user to view the quiz introduction or summary text but not attempt the quiz itself.

This capability is often assigned to user with guest access rights.

View quiz reports

Provides a user with access to reports detailing user responses and question/response statistics.


There are two courses in the Totara Academy about using quizzes in Totara Learn, Getting started with quizzes and Advanced quiz Using these courses you can learn more on how to use these features, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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