Registration data collected by Totara
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 4 minutes to read

Registration data collected by Totara

Article summary

Totara sites send a small amount of data to the registration system. The data is strictly limited to data describing the site itself plus aggregated usage figures. No personal identifying information will ever be sent.

The data described below is transferred via secure channels (encrypted) and stored in confidence, fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar legislation. 

The exact data that is returned by a specific site is dependent on the site version, but you can view the exact data transferred on the site itself by visiting [yoursiteurl]/admin/register.php (for Totara) and expanding the Registration information to be sent section.

The table below outlines each piece of information we return in at least one Totara version and why we collect it.

Data collected from Totara Suite

Name of data itemExample valueAdditional infoReason

Time of transfer

18/06/2018, 13:40

Transmitted as a UNIX timestamp.

So we know how current the registration data is and when a site last registered.

Site identifier

This string is generated during the install and is designed to be unique for each site. It is composed of a random string plus the wwwroot at the time of installation.

Used along with wwwroot to identify registration data from a site uniquely.

Site www root

Web address of the site.

Used along with site identifier to identify registration data from a site uniquely.

Site shortname


Value provided under Full site name setting on the Front page settings page.

Used to confirm we've identified a specific customer's site.

Site fullname

Acme Company Inc. learning portal

Value provided under the Short name for site setting on the Front page settings page.

Used to confirm we've identified a specific customer's site.

Organisation name

Company Inc.

Value provided under the Organisation name setting on the Quick-access menu > Server > Support contact page - this may be empty.

To allow us to contact first-line support if more information is required.

Tech support phone number

+64 555 1234

Value provided under the Tech support phone number setting on the Quick-access menu > Server > Support contact page - this may be empty.

To allow us to contact first-line support if more information is required.

Tech support email

Value provided under the Tech support email setting on the Quick-access menu > Server > Support contact page - this may be empty.

To allow us to contact first-line support if more information is required.

Moodle release identifier

3.2.8 (Build: 20180319)


Used when debugging site issues and to understand usage patterns to inform product support periods.

Totara version number



Used when debugging site issues and to understand usage patterns to inform product support periods.

Totara build number



Used when debugging site issues and understanding usage patterns to inform product support periods.

Totara release identifier

11.6 (Build: 20180824.00)


Used when debugging site issues and to understand usage patterns to inform product support periods.

PHP version



Used when debugging site issues and to understand usage patterns to inform product requirement decisions.

Database type

postgres 9.4.18


Used when debugging site issues and understanding usage patterns to inform product requirement decisions.

Web server software identifier

Apache/2.4.33 (Unix) PHP/7.1.17


Used when debugging site issues and to understand usage patterns to inform product requirement decisions.

Number of site users


Number of users with accounts on the site, excluding deleted users.

Allows us to understand site usage, to assist with performance issues and feature development resource allocation.

Number of site courses


Excludes the front page course.

Allows us to understand site usage, to assist with performance issues and feature development resource allocation.

Number of active users


Calculated as the number of unique user logins in the preceding 365 days from now.

Determines subscription level so used to ensure the site is on the correct pricing.

Number of active users in last three months


Calculated as the number of unique user logins in the preceding 90 days from now.

Provides insight into recent usage patterns in cases where recent spikes or contractions in usage aren't visible in the annual figure.

Number of user sessions


Active user sessions at the time of registration.

Used to understand usage patterns to assist with site scaling questions.

Number of badges



Allows us to understand site usage, to assist with performance issues and feature development resource allocation.

Number of issued badges



Allows us to understand site usage, to assist with performance issues and feature development resource allocation.

Debug status



Allows our support team to know what errors will be recorded.

Last cron timestamp


Recorded as a Unix timestamp.

Allows us to check if scheduled tasks are being triggered correctly.

Multitenancy support


This shows whether or not multitenancy has been enabled on the site. 

Allows us to understand site usage, assist with performance issues, and allocate resources for feature development.

Tenant isolation mode



Allows us to understand site usage, assist with performance issues, and allocate resources for feature development.

Number of tenants



Allows us to understand site usage, assist with performance issues, and allocate resources for feature development.

Total number of tenant members



Allows us to understand site usage, assist with performance issues, and allocate resources for feature development.

Total number of tenant participants (Non-members)



Allows us to understand site usage, assist with performance issues, and allocate resources for feature development.



Comma-separated list of any additional plugins installed in the site (that don't form part of the standard Totara release).

Needed for debugging as plugins can interfere with normal site behaviour. Also useful to identify commonly used third-party plugins that could potentially be integrated into core.

Installed languages



Understanding language usage allows us to prioritise our translation resources.




Allows us to understand which product or combination of products you are using.

Component usage
  "mod_facetoface": {
    "numseminars": 0,
    "numsignups": 0,
    "numevents": 0
  "totara_appraisal": {
    "numappraisals": 0,
    "numassignments": 0
  "totara_cohort": {
    "numaudiencesset": 0,
    "numaudiencesdynamic": 2,
    "numaudencemembers": 128
  "totara_feedback360": {
    "numfeedback360": 0,
    "numassignments": 0,
    "numresponders": 0
  "totara_job": {
    "numjobassignments": 128,
    "numuserswithjobs": 122
  "totara_plan": {
    "numtemplates": 0,
    "numplans": 0
  "totara_program": {
    "numprograms": 0,
    "numassignments": 0
  "hierarchy_competency": {
    "numcompframeworks": 0,
    "numcomps": 0,
    "numcomprecords": 0
  "hierarchy_goal": {
    "numpersonalgoals": 0,
    "numcompanygoals": 0

A JSON encoded string containing information from specific core components. Usage information is limited to a) whether a particular feature is enabled or not, b) an aggregated count of certain data indicating the level of usage of that feature. This can include functionality from all Totara products.
Allows us to understand site usage, to assist with performance issues and feature development resource allocation.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

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