Reviewing your applications
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 3 minutes to read

Reviewing your applications

Article summary

Reviewing on the dashboard

After submitting an approval workflows application, you can view its status from the applications dashboard.

You can sort, filter and search your applications to find exactly what you are looking for. The dashboard displays the following information:

  • Application ID: This is the unique ID associated with your application
  • Application title: The title you gave the application
  • Application type: The type of application you submitted
  • Submitted on: The date the application was submitted
  • Overall progress: Application progress can be one of the following:
    • Draft: You have not yet submitted the application
    • Pending: You have submitted the application but it has not yet been reviewed
    • Completed: Your application has been approved
    • Withdrawn: You have withdrawn the application
    • Rejected: Your application has been reviewed and rejected

Any of your existing applications can be edited, cloned or deleted by clicking the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) to the right of the Application ID in the applications table. The actions available will depend on the overall progress status.

Overall progress statusAvailable actions for applicant


Edit, clone, delete or print preview

Pending approval

Clone, withdraw, or print preview

Pending training

Clone or print preview


Clone or print preview


Edit, clone or print preview


Edit, withdraw, clone or print preview

To withdraw an application you must first open the application, then use the menu. See the Withdrawing an application section for more information. 

Reviewing an individual application (as an applicant)

From the application dashboard, if you click the Application ID of a particular application you will be able to review, clone, withdraw or print that application. In some cases you can also delete or edit the form, depending on its status. 

Once the application has been opened, you can scroll down to view its full contents. By clicking the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) in the top-right corner you can clone, withdraw or access a print preview for your application. If your form is in draft you will also see the option to edit or delete, and if your application has been withdrawn or rejected then you will see the option to edit. 

In the right-hand panel you can see three tabs:

  • Actions: Shows the status of the application, allows you to complete any required actions waiting for your input, and shows who the level approvers are
  • Comments: Allows applicants and approvers to comment on the application
  • Activity: Displays a log of all actions taken by any user on the application, including the date and time of the action

Commenting on an application

As an applicant or an approver you can comment on an application. Other users involved in the application can then reply to comments. To add, edit, delete, view, or reply to a comment, follow these steps:

  1. Open the application dashboard.
  2. Click on the application for which you wish to interact with comments. 
  3. Select the Comments tab in the right-hand panel.

From here you can:

  • Add a new comment by typing in the Enter a comment box at the bottom, then clicking the Post button
  • Reply to a comment by clicking the arrow icon underneath it, then typing your response in the Enter a reply box and clicking the Post button
  • Edit or delete an existing comment you made by clicking the icon three dots (three_dots(1)) to the right of the comment

Completing another form

You may need to complete additional forms as your application progresses from stage to stage during the approval process.

  1. Go to the application dashboard.
  2. Click the application you need to verify to open it.
  3. Under the Action tab in the right-hand panel, click Complete verification.
  4. Add the evidence required. 
  5. Click Submit to complete the process. 

Withdrawing an application

Once you have made an application you may wish to withdraw it. You can withdraw an application with any of the following statuses:

  • Pending approval
  • Pending verification approval
  • Rejected

To withdraw an application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the application dashboard.
  2. Select the application you need to withdraw.
  3. Once the application opens, click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) in the top-right corner.
  4. Select Withdraw from the menu. 
  5. Click Withdraw.

You will then see a confirmation message at the top of the screen stating that the withdrawal was successful. Additionally you will be able to see the application’s status update to Withdrawn

Resubmitting a withdrawn or rejected application

If you have previously withdrawn an application, or if the application has been rejected, you may wish to resubmit that application after making the necessary changes. 

To resubmit an application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the application dashboard.
  2. Select the application you wish to resubmit.
  3. With the application open, click the icon of three dots (three_dots(1)) in the top-right corner.
  4. Select Edit from the menu. 
  5. Make the required changes to your application. 
  6. Click the Submit button in the top right-corner.

If you are not able to complete all of the changes at once you can instead click the Save as draft button to save the changes, then return to continue editing and submit the application at a later date.

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