Seminar custom field settings
  • 05 Sep 2024
  • 8 minutes to read

Seminar custom field settings

Article summary

Common settings

Common settings are configuration options that are available across all custom field types.

There are four reserved Totara Learn custom fields (Building, Location, Sign-up, and Cancellation) as well as Client custom fields. Client custom fields can be created, modified, and deleted as desired. Reserved custom fields can have their content updated or be hidden but they can not be deleted and their short names and types cannot be modified.


Full name

The name of the custom field displayed to users. 


Short name

The abbreviated name of the custom field. Short names must be unique and can only contain alphanumeric characters.

This must be unique.


An optional description of the custom field. This is not displayed to Learners/Trainers however is helpful for Site Administrators.


This field is required?

If set to Yes, it will be a compulsory field when creating new items. If set to No, it will be an optional field when creating new items.

Note that this setting cannot be changed for Decimal input and Integer input custom fields, as it’s important that empty strings are not stored for these field types.

Is this field locked?

If set to Yes the custom field will only display the information given when the field was first created. The field cannot be edited for existing records but is not locked when creating a record.


Should the data be unique?

If set to Yes the custom field will only accept a unique value. If a duplicate value is used in this field the system will not allow the item to be saved. When set to No the custom field will accept any value in the field.

Hidden on the settings page?

If set to Yes the custom field will not be visible on the settings page or elsewhere where it would have been shown. When set to No the custom field will be visible.

Field types and specific settings


The checkbox field type is used where a binary (Yes/No, True/False, a/b) choice is required.


Checked by default

When set to 'Yes' the custom field checkbox will be checked by default when displayed. When set to 'No' the custom field checkbox will not be checked by default.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.



The date/time field type is used where a day, month, and year value is required.


Start year

The first year available for selection by the user.


End year

The last year available for selection.


Include time

Check this option if you wish the user to enter in a time value in hours and minutes.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


Decimal input

The decimal input field is used where a decimal value is required.

Default valueThe number that will appear in the field by default.-
Minimum valueThe lowest value that will be accepted.-
Maximum valueThe highest value that will be accepted.-
StepThe accepted increments for values in this field. For example, if this is set to 0.5 then the field will accept values such as -1.0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc.-
Decimal pointsThe number of decimal points that the field will accept.-
Show in exports and listsIf selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


The file custom field type is used where the user is required to upload one or many files within the selected form/element. Users are presented with the standard file upload interface.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


Integer input

The integer input field is used where a whole number value is required.

Default valueThe number that will appear in the field by default.-
Minimum valueThe lowest value that will be accepted.-
Maximum valueThe highest value that will be accepted.-
StepThe accepted increments for values in this field. For example, if this is set to 5 then the field will accept values such as -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, etc.-
Show in exports and listsIf selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


The location field is used where the form/element has an associated address such as a room or Trainer (asset).


Default address

The physical address details to be displayed. Text can be entered on one line separated by commas or entered across multiple lines.


Default map size

Choose the display size of the Google map (when selected). Available options are:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large 


Default map view

Choose the default map view from:

  • Map
  • Satellite
  • Map & Satellite hybrid

Users can change the map view if desired.

Default display

 Choose the location display from:

  • Map & Address
  • Map
  • Address


Set map location

Set the map location using the address above (if provided) or search for an address, town or city. If you want to refine the location of the pin, you can do so by clicking on it while holding the mouse button, moving the pin and then releasing the mouse button.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


Totara uses the Dynamic Maps API for Google Maps. Each page view will result in one map load per location. While Google offers $200 of free monthly credit, larger volumes of map loads can incur additional fees on a pay-as-you-go basis. Check Google's pricing information for more detail.

Menu of choices

The menu of choices custom field type is used where the user is required to select one option from a list of many.


Menu options (one per line)

Enter the menu options that will appear in the dropdown box. Enter one option per line.


Default value

Set the default value that will appear in the drop down box. The default value must appear in the menu options above. Leave blank if there is no default entry required.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.



The multi-select custom field type is used where the user is required to select one or more options from a list. Custom images or icons can be added for each option if required or if a visual prompt is relevant/helpful.


Menu options

Enter each option/value in a separate field. If required, select a custom icon from the available images.

The current icon will display in preview with a default image displaying where no icon has been selected.  

To select a different icon click Choose icon and select from those images available within the Custom icons area. Site Administrators can add a new images/icons via the quick-access menu within Courses and categories > Custom icons > Course icon.

Add another option

Add an additional option field and corresponding icon to the menu options list.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


Text area

The text area custom field type is used where the user is required to enter in a text based response.


Default value

Default value is the text that will appear in the text area by default. Leave this field blank if no default text is required.



Sets the width of text area custom field. If a text editor plug-in is applied to the text area, the width will be determined by the plug-in and changing this value may have no effect.



Sets the height of the text area custom field (the number of lines). If a text editor plug-in is applied to the text area, the height will be determined by the plug-in and changing this value may have no effect.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


Text input

The text input custom field type is used where the user is required to enter in a short text response.


Default value

The text that will appear in the text field by default. Leave this field blank if no default text is required.



Sets the number of characters that will be displayed in the text field.


Maximum length

Sets the maximum number of characters the text field will accept.


Regular expression validation

A regular expression that will be used to ensure entered text is in the expected format. 

For example "/^[0-9]{3}$/" will ensure the text consists of exactly three numbers. Another example is if you wanted to ensure the text consists of exactly two numbers, a decimal point, and two more numbers (like 10.50) then you could enter "/[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}$/". For more information on regular expressions please refer to the PHP PCRE regular expression documentation.

Description of regular expression validation format

Add description message explaining required format to users.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.



The URL custom field type is used where the user is required to enter in a web address.


Default URL

The text that will appear in the URL field by default. Leave this field blank if no default URL is required.



efault link text to be displayed. If this field is left empty, the URL will be used.


Open in a new window

If checked, the URL will open in a new browser window.


Show in exports and lists

If selected, this custom field and any corresponding responses will be included in the seminar event attendance list export file and will be displayed in a seminar activity events listing.


A good way to use URL custom fields is to add video conferencing links to events with a virtual component. You could direct learners to a virtual classroom using a video conferencing tool of your choice, which will be displayed on the seminar's Event tab. This link could then be included in any event-related notifications and reminders.

System reserved custom fields

The following are Totara system-reserved custom fields which cannot be removed. However these fields can be hidden or disabled, and the common and specific settings can be changed.

Room custom fields:

  • Building
  • Location

Sign-up custom fields:

  • Requests for session organiser

User cancellation custom fields:

  • Cancellation note

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to Seminar Management in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more about how to use seminars, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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