Survey activity types
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 8 minutes to read

Survey activity types

Article summary

There are several types of survey to choose from, each containing preset questions which cannot be edited. 


The ATTLS (Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning) survey is designed to asses the learners attitude towards thinking and learning, which can help trainers understand how to better facilitate the course. 

The survey consists of 20 questions for which the learner can respond on a five point scale from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree'. 

  1. In evaluating what someone says, I focus on the quality of their argument, not on the person who's presenting it.
  2. I like playing devil's advocate - arguing the opposite of what someone is saying.
  3. I like to understand where other people are 'coming from', what experiences have led them to feel the way they do.
  4. The most important part of my education has been learning to understand people who are very different to me.
  5. I feel that the best way for me to achieve my own identity is to interact with a variety of other people.
  6. I enjoy hearing the opinions of people who come from backgrounds different to mine - it helps me to understand how the same things can be seen in such different ways.
  7. I find that I can strengthen my own position through arguing with someone who disagrees with me.
  8. I am always interested in knowing why people say and believe the things they do.
  9. I often find myself arguing with the authors of books that I read, trying to logically figure out why they're wrong.
  10. It's important for me to remain as objective as possible when I analyze something.
  11. I try to think with people instead of against them.
  12. I have certain criteria I use in evaluating arguments.
  13. I'm more likely to try to understand someone else's opinion than to try to evaluate it.
  14. I try to point out weaknesses in other people's thinking to help them clarify their arguments.
  15. I tend to put myself in other people's shoes when discussing controversial issues, to see why they think the way they do.
  16. One could call my way of analysing things 'putting them on trial' because I am careful to consider all the evidence.
  17. I value the use of logic and reason over the incorporation of my own concerns when solving problems.
  18. I can obtain insight into opinions that differ from mine through empathy.
  19. When I encounter people whose opinions seem alien to me, I make a deliberate effort to 'extend' myself into that person, to try to see how they could have those opinions.
  20. I spend time figuring out what's 'wrong' with things. For example, I'll look for something in a literary interpretation that isn't argued well enough.

Critical incidents

The critical incidents survey is designed to help learners reflect on recent events that may have taken place during their learning experience. For this reason you may wish to focus the learner on a particular event to get a sense of responses to this across all learners. 

The survey consist of five questions for which the learner is asked to type an answer. 

  1. At what moment in class were you most engaged as a learner?
  2. At what moment in class were you most distanced as a learner?
  3. What action from anyone in the forums did you find most affirming or helpful?
  4. What action from anyone in the forums did you find most puzzling or confusing?
  5. What event surprised you most?

COLLES (actual)

The COLLES survey (The Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey) is designed to allow the learner to reflect on the delivery of learning through this online course. It asks them a range of questions about the unit from engagement in learning to trainer interactions. The COLLES (actual) version of this survey asks the learner to reflect on their real experience of the course, whereas the COLLES (preferred) version asks them to answer imagining their ideal experience on the course.

The survey consists of 26 question which are broken into six sections, each featuring four questions that ask the learner to rate on a five point scale (from 'almost never' to 'almost always') and then two additional questions at the end (one is a dropdown and the other is a short text answer). 


In this online unit...

  1. my learning focuses on issues that interest me.
  2. what I learn is important for my professional practice.
  3. I learn how to improve my professional practice.
  4. what I learn connects well with my professional practice.

Reflective thinking

In this online unit...

  1. I think critically about how I learn.
  2. I think critically about my own ideas.
  3. I think critically about other learners' ideas.
  4. I think critically about ideas in the readings.


In this online unit...

  1. I explain my ideas to other learners.
  2. I ask other learners to explain their ideas.
  3. other learners ask me to explain my ideas.
  4. other learners respond to my ideas.

Tutor support

In this online unit...

  1. the tutor stimulates my thinking.
  2. the tutor encourages me to participate.
  3. the tutor models good discourse.
  4. the tutor models critical self-reflection.

Peer support

In this online unit...

  1. other learners encourage my participation.
  2. other learners praise my contribution.
  3. other learners value my contribution.
  4. other learners empathise with my struggle to learn.


In this online unit...

  1. I make good sense of other learners' messages.
  2. other learners make good sense of my messages.
  3. I make good sense of the tutor's messages.
  4. the tutor makes good sense of my messages. 

How long did this survey take you to complete? (Dropdown menu has options from 'under 1 minute' to 'more than 10').

Do you have any other comments?

COLLES (preferred and actual)

The COLLES survey (The Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey) is designed to allow the learner to reflect on the delivery of learning through this online course. It asks them a range of questions about the unit from engagement in learning to trainer interactions. The COLLES (preferred and actual) version asks them to answer both imagining their ideal experience on the course and reflecting on their real experience of the course.

The survey consists of 50 question which are broken into six sections, each featuring eight questions that ask the learner to rate on a five point scale (from 'almost never' to 'almost always') and then two additional questions at the end (one is a dropdown and the other is a short text answer). 


In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that my learning focuses on issues that interest me.
  2. I found that my learning focuses on issues that interest me.
  3. I prefer that what I learn is important for my professional practice.
  4. I found that what I learn is important for my professional practice.
  5. I prefer that I learn how to improve my professional practice.
  6. I found that I learn how to improve my professional practice.
  7. I prefer that what I learn connects well with my professional practice.
  8. I found that what I learn connects well with my professional practice.

Reflective thinking

In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that I think critically about how I learn.
  2. I found that I think critically about how I learn.
  3. I prefer that I think critically about my own ideas.
  4. I found that I think critically about my own ideas.
  5. I prefer that I think critically about other learners' ideas.
  6. I found that I think critically about other learners' ideas.
  7. I prefer that I think critically about ideas in the readings.
  8. I found that I think critically about ideas in the readings.


In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that I explain my ideas to other learners.
  2. I found that I explain my ideas to other learners.
  3. I prefer that I ask other learners to explain their ideas.
  4. I found that I ask other learners to explain their ideas.
  5. I prefer that other learners ask me to explain my ideas.
  6. I found that other learners ask me to explain my ideas.
  7. I prefer that other learners respond to my ideas.
  8. I found that other learners respond to my ideas.

Tutor support

In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that the tutor stimulates my thinking.
  2. I found that the tutor stimulates my thinking.
  3. I prefer that the tutor encourages me to participate.
  4. I found that the tutor encourages me to participate.
  5. I prefer that the tutor models good discourse.
  6. I found that the tutor models good discourse.
  7. I prefer that the tutor models critical self-reflection.
  8. I found that the tutor models critical self-reflection.

Peer support

In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that other learners encourage my participation.
  2. I found that other learners encourage my participation.
  3. I prefer that other learners praise my contribution.
  4. I found that other learners praise my contribution.
  5. I prefer that other learners value my contribution.
  6. I found that other learners value my contribution.
  7. I prefer that other learners empathise with my struggle to learn.
  8. I found that other learners empathise with my struggle to learn.


In this online unit...

  1. I prefer that I make good sense of other learners' messages.
  2. I found that I make good sense of other learners' messages.
  3. I prefer that other learners make good sense of my messages.
  4. I found that other learners make good sense of my messages.
  5. I prefer that I make good sense of the tutor's messages.
  6. I found that I make good sense of the tutor's messages.
  7. I prefer that the tutor makes good sense of my messages. 
  8. I found that the tutor makes good sense of my messages. 

How long did this survey take you to complete? (Dropdown menu has options from 'under 1 minute' to 'more than 10').

Do you have any other comments?

COLLES (preferred)

The COLLES survey (The Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey) is designed to allow the learner to reflect on the delivery of learning through this online course. It asks them a range of questions about the unit from engagement in learning to trainer interactions. The COLLES (preferred) version asks them to answer imagining their ideal experience on the course, whereas the COLLES (actual) version of this survey asks the learner to reflect on their real experience of the course.

The survey consists of 26 question which are broken into six sections, each featuring four questions that ask the learner to rate on a five point scale (from 'almost never' to 'almost always') and then two additional questions at the end (one is a dropdown and the other is a short text answer). 


In this online unit...

  1. my learning focuses on issues that interest me.
  2. what I learn is important for my professional practice.
  3. I learn how to improve my professional practice.
  4. what I learn connects well with my professional practice.

Reflective thinking

In this online unit...

  1. I think critically about how I learn.
  2. I think critically about my own ideas.
  3. I think critically about other learners' ideas.
  4. I think critically about ideas in the readings.


In this online unit...

  1. I explain my ideas to other learners.
  2. I ask other learners to explain their ideas.
  3. other learners ask me to explain my ideas.
  4. other learners respond to my ideas.

Tutor support

In this online unit...

  1. the tutor stimulates my thinking.
  2. the tutor encourages me to participate.
  3. the tutor models good discourse.
  4. the tutor models critical self-reflection.

Peer support

In this online unit...

  1. other learners encourage my participation.
  2. other learners praise my contribution.
  3. other learners value my contribution.
  4. other learners empathise with my struggle to learn.


In this online unit...

  1. I make good sense of other learners' messages.
  2. other learners make good sense of my messages.
  3. I make good sense of the tutor's messages.
  4. the tutor makes good sense of my messages. 

How long did this survey take you to complete? (Dropdown menu has options from 'under 1 minute' to 'more than 10').

Do you have any other comments?

© Copyright 2024 Totara Learning Solutions. All rights reserved. Some content originally obtained via GPLv3 license and continues to be available under GPLv3. All other content is the sole copyright of Totara Learning Solutions. 

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