Upload certification records
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 minutes to read

Upload certification records

Article summary

Certification completion records for learning completed outside of Totara Learn can be imported via CSV files.

If an imported certification already exists in Totara Learn, then a new certification completion record is created and will appear in a user's Record of Learning. If an imported certification does not exist, it will either be ignored or if you choose to create evidence a new evidence item will appear in a user's Record of Learning.

Configuring your CSV file

The CSV import file is created outside of Totara and imported and the file needs to contain the following information:

  • username: The username from the learner’s profile.
  • certificationshortname: The certification short name. This can be found on the Overview tab when editing a certification.
  • certificationidnumber: The certification ID number. This can be found on the Overview tab when editing a certification.
  • completiondate: The date the learner completed the certification. The date format can be specified in the upload settings.
  • duedate: The due date field should indicate what the due date was at the time of completion, not when the completion is due to expire. The column must be provided in the CSV file, but can be left empty. When recertification is set to Use certification expiry date or Use fixed expiry date, then the expiry date will be calculated using the uploaded due date field. If it is empty or if the recertification is set to Use certification completion date, then only the completion date will be used to calculate the expiry date.

See the following as an example:


Uploading completion records

To upload certification completion records, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Quick-access menu > Courses > Upload Completion Records > Upload Completion Records.
  2. Scroll down to Upload certification CSV (as the Upload course CSV is listed above it).
  3. Drag and drop your file onto the page, or click the Choose a file button to browse for and select the CSV file.
  4. Configure you desired settings.
  5. Click the Upload button. 

After the file has been uploaded then the import will be processed on the next cron run. To view more detail about the import, click the Certification import report link. Imported records can also be accessed by going to Quick-access menu > Courses > Upload completion records > Certification import report.

Certification messages

Initially the certification completion import only does a basic import of the CSV file records, and the records are then processed in an ad hoc task which is executed on the next cron run. When this task runs (and the subsequent program message task runs) it will generate any applicable certification messages for any users. Some messages are sent immediately during the import ad hoc task (such as the welcome message), while others are sent the next time the Send messages related to programs task runs. Other messages (such as completion messages) will be sent for learners who meet the relevant conditions. If you do not want to send these out then you will need to delete the messages from within the certification before running the import.

Completion history import results.

The Totara Academy has a whole course dedicated to using Programs and certifications in Totara Learn. Here you can learn more on how to use programs and certifications, see best practice, and give it a go yourself.

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